I’ve always been a frustrated artist. Inside me somewhere is an artistic genius trying to get out. In my dreams I sit poised at an easel, the canvas before me alive with colour, my hand moving fluidly across the surface, blending shades into a harmonious pastoral scene. But alas though the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak and I can barely draw a square.
My art teacher Mrs McNamara, whose name still haunts me after almost half a century, repeatedly accused me of taking the piss, declaring that nobody could be as inept at drawing as I was. But never one to let a small thing like ineptitude deter her I have drawn in my inimitable fashion my goals for the coming year.
The illustrations are self-explanatory but for the visually impaired I have added a short explanation.
I have been anticipating food shortages for many a long year but I’m absolutely certain that next year I’ll be right. And I’m ready! With extra greenhouse space and a few more chucks to inhabit my 520 ft² foot coop, which currently houses only one chuck per 52 ft², (Yes, I'm more of a mathematician than an artist) I’ll have carrots and eggs for every man woman and child in the county.
A man can live on a carrot and an egg a day you know and besides, most of you could do with shedding a few pounds.
My second goal for 2025 is to perfect the art of saying no. Since this is not a word I’ve practiced much, I intend to clearly indicate and emphasise my refusal by holding up my hand in a stop gesture in response to any and every request.
If this doesn’t work maybe I’ll just perfect the art of running away.
Posted in response to @galenkp's Weekend Experiences prompt asking ' Draw with coloured pencils, crayons or paints, what your goals are in 2025, post the photo of your drawing and explain'
I've always loved your drawings. They get the job done, with confident lines and no ambiguities. Although I do appreciate your explanations here.
If I'm doing the math right, and I too am really good at math (actually earned a masters degree in that stuff fifty years ago), there are no more than ten persons in your county.
And if I'm reading this right, you're going to refuse that egg and carrot to anyone who asks?
While I've always loved your drawings, I dig your writing even more. You may have had a stupid art teacher, but what did your writing teachers have to say about your work? I'm gonna guess those teachers, too, assumed that the progeny of persons such as your parents couldn't possibly be good at anything, and told you that you sucked at that as well. Wrong again! And a great example of why public schooling doesn't do the best of us much good.
My county has 39 people per square kilometre apparently. Low density indeed.
I remember getting detention once when Mrs McNamara told me I'd made no effort at all to which I retorted 'that makes 2 of us then.' I don't think she quite understood the word 'teacher'. My English teacher Mrs. O'Neill was a good egg though and was the one who insisted I apply for college despite my objections that there was no way I could afford the fees.
If times get tough my plan is to leave the veggies and eggs outside the gate for all comers, though the truth is we don't get that many passersby. I live in a cattle farming county and nobody seems to grow any vegetables or keep chickens.I thought I'd be tripping over veggies in the street when I came to live in the country.
My son used to talk to his teachers like that. It did not go over well. The students all adored him, but his teachers? Not so much. You have always been one to see intents clearly, and to speak your intuitions. Luckily for us, you managed to survive public schooling with those skills intact.
I own some prop in dairy country, and it's the same there, nothing but corn for miles and miles on end. Luckily there is a small Mennonite community (I love upstate NY for this - I know there is are communities all over, that many people will be reluctant to go into, that will gladly supply all my needs. I worry very much about others during this coming year, but, unless robbing home gardens, in order to eat, becomes a necessity for some, I should have more than the equivalent of one egg and one carrot a day. I see myself giving veggies to those around me so they keep mum about what I have, and so that they will decide to start planting some of their own. I agree starvation in western countries is likely coming, and probably this year. We'll find out just how many of us have removed ourselves from the slave paradigm, and perhaps learn that we all have more ingenuity and skills than we think.
As for my medical kit, I'm accumulating a massive homeopathic remedy collection, and learning all that I can about it. Homeopathy is freaking astounding! Better than
Tesla machines and enemas, much! I've long worried about what services I could barter when the the dollar fails to be worth anything, and takes all western currency down with it.
Homeopathy is my new vocation. I will be able to help sick people for very little cost, when the medical services crash along with everything else - good news there if you ask me. Other people can stock up on bandaids and pharmaceuticals. I'm out. I hardly ever use any of those things, including bandaids. I'm sure I have plenty of those. My bug out bag has a few remedy kits in it, some cash and some gold. Maybe I'll throw in some bandaids. But I expect to shelter in place, whatever does come. And just carry on doing what I am doing now. We'll see! It's kind of exciting.
You have much the same survival plan as I do, though we're sorely lacking in Mennonite Communities around these parts. My medical kit is full of bandaids, bandages, zeolite, bentonite clay and stuff to pack wounds. You need it, let me tell you, when you live on a slate quarry. Slate is treacherous stuff. And don't dis the Tesla! It's wonderful for curing strains and sprains.
So are Arnica, Ruta, and Rhus. Only costs about $20 bucks, too.
Do you have one, a Tesla machine? I didn't mean to dis it. I do imagine using the machine for arthritis, but I haven't yet tried the homeopathic protocol for that. Idk why, it's my chief complaint. Hm. Maybe today is the day.
I can't remember the last time I needed a bandaid. I have them in the house of course. I would have difficulty dressing a gunshot wound, but I believe I could treat any infection arising from one.
Here, stones are nicely rounded.
Yes, I do have a reconditioned original Tesla that I use a few times a week. It's probably all in my head but I feel it gives me great energy and strength. When I had the arthritis in my back I used it daily along with the DMSO, so I'm not sure what it was the cured me.
I thought you had the arthritis under control after following Andy's advice.
It's much better, especially when I cut out alcohol and sugar. which I did/do because of his advice. I never cracked the tamper-proof seals on the castor oil and turpentine I got. Arthritis doesn't really bother me much anymore, mostly in my thumbs but recently in my hip. That one is worrisome. I think Tesla would be good for that. I tried DMSO on my thumbs for a few weeks, and it didn't seem to do anything.
Lucky an in-depth and informative description was given for the orange thing, we never would have known otherwise. Thanks to DW and her amazing writing.
Crikey, if I'd known you moonlight as an art critic I'd've made more of an effort with the bloody carrot.🙃
Surely you knew it was a carrot.
And a fine carrot it was too; Bugs Bunny would even say as much.
YUP! I get it... I used to line up materials as a kid, crayons, pencils, felt tips, scissors and that horrendous glue that smelled of rotting sticklebacks, desperate to transfer what lived in my head on to the page, but alas something was always lost in translation...
Your school art story made me chuckle tbh as one of my 'go to' stories was about my art teacher in secondary school Mr Sizer, a wretch of a man, who had failed/frustrated artist cliché written all over him. He hated kids too!
After grading our homework assignment and handing them back out, he screwed up my forlorn, messy picture of a shoe and bounced it off my forehead!!!
Kids today think they have it tough!
When it comes to artistic endeavours though, the picture you paint with words, especially when translating an emotional story, loosely based on real events, to the page, it speaks to the reader as if it were a Van Goch... Just leave your ears alone... 😜
I will call for my eggs in the New year...
I'm not sure what you mean by loosely based on real events. I'll have you know that every word is gospel!:)
And what's with the EggS? I said Egg!
Good to see you around.
You are a better artist than me. Drawing is not something I am good at, doodling I'm better at and colouring in lol.
Yay to saying no more often as well.
Happy holidays @deirdyweirdy xxx
Well if I have to be a better artist than someone, I'm glad it's you!:) Athbhliain faoi mhaise dhuit!
Awww, you're full of surprises, @deirdyweirdy! You can draw, and you can write—why not make a comic? A funny one would be great! I’d definitely subscribe. I was scribbling an painting too last night. Have a lovely New Year! 🩷 😊
Do you really think so? Don't you think my broccoli seems to be identifying as a tree?
Haha, they’re full of character—I like them! A few people purposely draw them like that to make them look odd or unique. I would make a comic, please please please. Hehe. 😀🩷
I second that! 😃🐓🚀 would love to see a comic!
Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you won't be!:)
Like this simple one, @deirdyweirdy. Haha! Possibly, yours is better. 💗
While your vote of confidence gives me a touch of the warm and fuzzies, I think @artgrafiken has that gig all sewn up and I doubt he could stand the competition:)
Do I really give that impression?
Quite the opposite m'dear. You give the best possible impression. I rarely say what I mean but always mean what I say:)
Haha, I love your humility! There’s always room for more creativity to shine. 😊💗
That's broccoli? I thought it was a tree with squirrels in it.
That chicken in the top image, the larger one, looks identical to Mona Lisa, you know that famous painting by...well, someone famous, that hangs in the Louvre. Incredible artwork.
Also, you look cute in them blue jeans...tight in all the right places and I love the way you've depicted your one strangely overdeloped leg.
Seriously though, I agree, there's a lot of stuff coming and not much of it is good so producing your own food is going to be more important. That's a good goal for 2025.
Thanks for getting involved and if you ever run into Mrs. McNamara tell her she wouldn't know a good artist if she met one in the bar, got to talking, had too many drinks and had sex out the back next to the dumpster with him.
You're obviously quite the connoisseur of fine art. I didn't think anyone'd notice the squirrels.
As to Mrs McNamara, I'd say she's died of malice by now.
I have an eye for squirrels, never missed one yet.
(I don't know what the fuck that means but I wrote it anyway!) 😜
me too!
Oh yeah, I know that one...bloody hell he gets around.
I look like a little girl applauding your post, what a fun way to combine "art and plans for next year"...😅
.Hahaha...I literally pissed myself laughing...🙃😂😂
I tried to write for this topic, but neither imagination I had to draw a chicken, hahahahaha...phenomenal, we are in the side of people who know nothing about art ....😂
Congratulations, you have been very original and creative.... 🌞🌞🌞😂
Oh I know, I know. I'm a laugh a minute. Everyone tells me that but I never get tired of hearing it.🙃
drawing teachers are the worst, they want you to draw perfectly but it's not something you can learn or train, it's a talent, beside in art everything is relative, what i like might suck for you
Absolutely! If I could already draw perfectly, why would I need bloody classes? And yes, it is a talent and one I've obviously been blessed with.🙃
I was never the best in art class either. From what I remember everyone was getting good grades in that class so no one stood out. Yet now I love making art. I still can't draw a realistic piece but I also don't really want to do that. I feel like that would be betraying my own style.
I also have a hard time saying no...
Good luck.
#hive #posh
Actually, the carrot is quite good. The broccoli is not too shabby, either. I could never....but that's not saying much because dour Mrs. Lang failed me, also, and gave precisely the reason offered to you by Mrs. McNamara. I don't think there was anything wrong with our art skills. I think those teachers lacked vision 😁
I love your drawings🌹
What's that now? You mean you don't rate my tomato?
You were serious, @deirdyweirdy? I did not sing praises of your tomato, as superlative as that drawing was, because it was no match for the broccoli and carrot. Especially the carrot.
Is that what you were looking for?
😁 Sorry for the delayed reply. I've been sitting disconsolate in a dark room since you failed to rate my tomato!:)
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