Ahhh we're not!! Damn fucking doctors. Too backed up yesterday is what the assistant said so we're on the edge of our seat as I type just waiting for that phone to ring. Sucks!
I wish we didn't have to mention out loud who is or who isn't something or other, this land of ours has countless divisional walls as it is. I just learned yesterday the State Doctor, Fauci, received $38 million dollars to the lab he has special interests in, in Wuhan. I had no idea the guy who freewheels rules in the U.S made more than anyone and owns undisclosed portions of the laboratory in question.
You shoulda heard Pura's mom the other day (cuz her parents got juiced... that's the only reason) when she called, how excited she was about her "card." ...."look how cool it is, it's a little bigger than a credit card but it's heavier and fits in my purse, 'look!' It's so cool."
Reminiscent of Germany in the 40's.
That does suck for sure, hopefully by the end of the day, you will get some great news. Doesn't it always come down to money? This Fauci had everyone believing he was doing what he was for the good of mankind, keeping people informed. All this time he's been promoting the vaccine while lining his pockets.
Let's hope that a line in the sand is not drawn where the card that you receive once you are vaccinated doesn't become a requirement to do what we have all done in the past, be free to indulge in what activities we choose.
I don't do much in the way of going to places where there a lot of people in attendance, but if I chose to do so and a card was required for me to participate, I would avoid that type of function. Time will tell how much of our freedoms have been compromised by this whole mess.
Man!! Really makes the day go slow. Should it say negative, he'll finally know what enzymes to prescribe. Her world will be so much different if her pancreas allows the nutrients she consumes do what they're supposed to. We've been chasing this ghost for over two years. Really intense stuff. It's like we're at the end of the road finally and the damn thing forks one more time. Sucks. Could be possibly positive news or not at all. Slow.
Seems like you're as concerned as I am. Brother I see the same thing happening. Maybe not this second but in a real short time I see those cards setting the stage of cans and can nots. I'm probably overthinking and should stop and just know everything will work out the way it's supposed to but too many of us have different opinions. That's normal, the part that isn't is the line drawn by media that seems to pit two sides against each other as though two sides exist. Sure there's R's and D's and stuff in the sand, but they don't stop who shops for food where. Check this out...
It feels like an unforced do it or else mandate is nearing. Pura's business removed customer masks a few weeks ago and then just this weekend removed employee masks if you're juiced. So now employees do and do not wear masks when consumers aren't required nor asked. She said about 10 employees are wearing masks and 20 that are required to carry that card in their pocket are not.
Do you see it? Is it just me?
I'm not sure what to feel dude.