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RE: Before anyone else [BAE] - A posting contest - ENTRIES NOW CLOSED

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

I hate those. I know hate's extreme and frowned upon in whatever year we're on but I hate opening sentences. I wouldn't hate them if they came to me immediately but they make me work for them. And work.

And work. And work again. Work more. Some more. More. Rearrange Reword it, shorten it, punctuation, too; commas, parenthesis, etc. Opening sentences kick my ass. <-- See? If I could just figure out how to say that first I'd save a lot of angst but they make me work for them.

Depending what day it is, titles are worse, equally as tough or close enough. I'm an equal opportunity title/opening sentence hater.

They're supposed to come make our connection work again today so that's exciting. I'll be all like 21st century again okkaaay.

 4 years ago  

Here's your reminder. I really like your idea a lot but upon reading this comment it just :clicked:

They should all have the same title!

 4 years ago  

Hashtag Jetlag. Hello LA =} I'm starving!
