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RE: If You Don't Know Now You Know

Many things in this made me happy lol

  1. The artwork! Oh my! The lady with the lovely ass, painting nakey, was my fave.

  2. That Pura calls you Lenny 😂 before I read the reasons, I instantly thought of Lenny from Of Mice and Men and wondered..." has he killed a rabbit?" and then You confirmed not one but many 🤣

  3. You call Pura such sweet and lovely names. I liked "Gorgeous, stunna" and it made me lol and that she has many nicknames for you...Lenny 😝 - I have many nicknames for @ryzeonline too but nothing as funny as yours. One of the ones I do like to use online is calling him Dr. Banner.

  4. And I have 2 posts in progress. So I'm impressed with your 10 err I mean 9 now.

Great photos. I enjoyed the lot.

And I wanted to know how is Pura doing? I hope things are better I've not seen any update on her treatment or tests - sending love.

~Love, Cyn

 4 years ago  

I'm s0oO0o tempted to indent this reply with inserted numbers

I saved this one for last. If there's an award for comment body character structuring (CBCS), you're a naked chick on a stool painting over Florida.

'Shoe-in' was booked

Did you catch she's painting over Florida? Funny. I snapped that one back home in LA, painters are kinda funny that way. The Hive banner in the garage though... 🤔

Lenny. Most of us know the book. It's ridiculous how often I break things. No heck no, no animals! That part about the door handle, though, chef cutlery, those are based on actual events.

Dare I ask what Dr Banner's about? Ok, I did.

About the notepad loading up. It's getting stranger. Maybe it's cuz I have a lot on my mind, I really don't know. I'm drawing a blank more often than not lately.

I'm glad you liked this, Cyn, thank you. And congrats on attention like this. Welcome to the blockchain.

Thank you for your concern.💖 Never thought I'd say this but right now it's just chronic pancreatitis. Two out of three results are in—cancer negative. Still waiting on that third one that "requires several weeks." 🙌

Your character count don't scare me shoooooot.

well now there are two reasons I love her naked ass painting. I am from Florida and I hate it there lol that's why I moved to Toronto. It's the total opposite of where I grew up. Inclusive, open-minded, mixed cultures, and mostly friendly people. That picture is definitely my favorite now. and the Hive banner is a bonus!

haha I never number my comments but there were many and I wanted to make sure I didn't forget any of them and the numbers helped. I'm a number-tard? Number-tastic? lol

it's ok Lenny, we all love you even if you break off door handles and cutlery. Note to self: Don't let you use my good knives if you ever come for dinner and to open the door for you myself 😂

Well Dr. David Banner aka The Hulk is one of the smartest men in the Marvel Universe. He's a genius. And @ryzeonline is also a genius AND when he gets angry (which is rarely but still) he can be a bit scary. It's not fun being on the other side of the Hulk anger LOL. But he's sweet as pie 99.9% of the time. So I call him Dr. B or Dr. Banner.

it's ok to draw a blank. I just sit and write. If it sucks, I scrap it. I don't pressure myself. You do pretty good. Though it's been 7 days since I posted last so idk lol

and thank you for your welcome and kind words. I am very appreciative and grateful my writing (and boobs?) are being appreciated too

Yay for negative cancer tests!!! and I am sending more love and positive vibes that the last one also comes out negative!!

Much love!

be very afraid of my character count. This ain't nothing bwhahahahaahahahahahahaha

 4 years ago  

Level with me. How many people do you think don't know who Dr. Banner is? I had no idea. I'm clueless with marvel anything other than Rapper's Delight when Erick Sermon does that part about Superman and Lois Lane.

That knife, oh my fuck! I was best man in that wedding actually. The following weekend I'm at their place and they had this fancy knife set. All the sizes. I can't remember the name now but shiny and sharp and pretty. He's telling me how nice they are, they just got'em as a wedding gift when I cut an onion. That's it! A fuckin onion and I snapped the handle at the shank. :snap:

He's known me forever though so we weren't surprised, even his wife laughed out loud but I felt terrible. I replaced it within a day or two.

LOL i figured most people know who Dr. Banner is from the old TV show but then again not everyone is as ageless and timeless as I am and can't all remember the best shows from back in the day haha. and that's one of the greatest songs of all time. It's all good. I'm happy I could school you a bit on the Marvel Universe (I'm a comic nerd haha. So I love introducing people to good stuff).

OMG that knife story haha. well that was nice of you to replace the knife. Lenny vs. the onion. The onion wins!


This comment thread is great, and you two are both awesome human beings @cynshineonline and @dandays 🙏

 4 years ago  

Eh, how many people do you think on here have never heard of Dr Banner? Percentile. Am I part of a single digit minority?

lol, good question. I'm not sure of Hive's superhero-consuming demographics, but it seems likely you're a rare breed.

Might make a good post, maybe even a poll or something. "Who here has heard of Dr. Banner?" :) 🤣