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RE: Weekend-engagement week 67: The important week

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

This is an interesting topic so far and even more than the previous ones I have seen. In life we have many things which are important to us and some which are not.

To me,

  • My wife: My wife is very much important to me because through her I saw love. She is the only one who can understand me to the brim. Whenever I'm not having, she raised me. She is what I only have.

  • My children: My children on thee other hand are my future. All my daily earnings and savings are just because of them. So, they are just too precious to me and I knew vividly that they will be the ones to raise me when I grow older.

  • My job: I do not joke with my job. I'm a teacher and a teacher to the core. So, I have passion for my job and so, I teach my students just like my children. I have taken them to be my family. This is me and my life. I'm just open to them.

The above are the three things which I does not joke with.

@galenkp , once again thank you for bringing this topic on board. I'm late...


I believe you've selected three incredibly important items that all kind of go together and one might not be quite as fulfilling without the others. An excellent answer indeed.

I know you're a teacher...Can I ask what level of children do you teach and what subjects?

I do teach students mathematics and physics at the senior secondary school level.

Ah ok, a big responsibility.