Hi fellow Weekenders,
Today I'm here with some fun we had the other day despite the insanely cold temperatures!
Frozen Fun
One of the things that my wife does a great job of is finding things to keep our son entertained when it gets cold out! She found out the awesome idea to freeze some balloons for some indoor fun while the temps are in the extreme single digits and near that. It came in handy for sure!
We had a few balloons left over from something so we were trying to see what we could do with them so that the little man could be entertained while in the warm house. We spiced it up by adding some different things we had around the house into it, to see how it turned out!
We have these really funny edible candy eyes. I knew I wanted to add some of these to the balloon!
One of the tough things was getting the stuff into the balloon lol. It took a little while but we put some LEGO things in there and some of the googly eyes!
What I also added was a little bit of some food coloring! I didn't want to go crazy on it in case the balloon exploded but I spiced it up with some of the little man's favorite color blue!
Now that the balloon was full of goodies and some water, it was time to get them frozen!
What I had to make sure was the surface I had it on was smooth enough so that the balloon wouldn't pop. The deck overall wasn't too safe but thankfully this garden pot was just what I needed!
The temperatures were insanely cold the day we did this, I'm surprised the window wasn't crazy iced up here lol I think it was 11 or 12 degrees out!
It turned out that the frozen balloons kept the man entertained for a good 90 minutes or so, chipping it away and stuff so that he could get at the stuff inside. I would say that's a success while we are looking for things to keep him entertained lol
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