Hi fellow Weekenders,
This past weekend we made our first harvest!

First Harvest
One of the things that has been a bit of fun is having a garden growing on the deck. We have quite a few things growing and it's been some decent weather for stuff to grow, a lot of sun and warm temperatures so the plants aren't dying as long as we keep them watered.
The thing I like about growing things in a garden besides the knowledge of what's going into the food like fertilizer and other things, is having the little man around to help me every step of the way. He's getting good at keeping us on our toes with having the plants watered and fertilized! It's been paying off for sure, this was our first harvest from the garden and it was delicious. Lettuce apparently grows very fast and easily as long as you keep it watered and the dirt has the right nutrients up front. Our CSA, the farm share we bought, starts this week so we only grew a few of the heads of lettuce so that we don't have a lot of lettuce since we get a significant amount from the CSA's.
The little man was all too excited to help me harvest our first item! I was glad that we were able to keep these heads of lettuce alive, this one tasted fantastic and it filled two salad containers so I had dinner and then lunch the next day from just the one! He loves being able to do things on his own and I held the lettuce and he used, what he calls his, survival knife in order to harvest the head here. He did a great job!
What are you doing for any type of garden?

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The front loader, survival knife... Im actually getting more interested on yoir kiddo's equipment. 😁
Hahaha thanks, he's quite the character with his equipment. He's already got quite an extensive amount of stuff! Enjoys his trucks and hand tools the most by far!
Wow congratulations to your first harvest! The lettuce is healthy and looks so yummy. I like it a lot. One of my favorite food. Let's keep planting!
Thank you! The lettuce is indeed a great thing to plant and pretty easy to grow thankfully. We enjoyed it very much! The best part is there were no chemicals involved in growing it so it's a lot better for our bodies!
Omg, that's fantastic, congratulations! 😀
My parents love plans; they have some flowers, fruits, and medicine plants;
We're having flowers and tea from them but we have to wait more for fruits, they grow slower.🌴
Tell the little man I'll need that survival knife soon. Hehehe. Kisses for him. 😘😘😘
Thanks June! It's great that your parents are growing those things. It's important to grow what we can on our own property, that's going to be a lot more important in the coming years! The powers that shouldn't be like to mess with the economies and world on purpose so if we can grow our own food we will be much better off. Even if it's just small things like this, it's a lot better than buying them from a store!
He's very good at sharing his stuff, he would gladly let you use one of his survival knives lol
A pretty healthy looking lettuce...Add in some beef burgers, buns, tomato, cheese, pickles, onions and ketchup and you'll be onto a winner! 😁
Ah I haven't had a good burger in so long! I don't know if my stomach could handle it now but I want to slowly get back into some of it when we get a house and a grill. My favorites were bison burgers, they were delicious!
I've never had a bison burger, but I've had water buffalo burgers. Pretty good. I'd try a bison one for sure. We could hunt it, then make it all from scratch! Bows and arrows like they did in the olden days!
Get a Burger into you mate, or you'll fade away!
Hahah that would be great, I think going on a hunting trip with a skilled hunter would be a good way to start off my foray into it. I’d shoot the thing in the ass hahaha.
I had steak in my burrito yesterday and it was delicious, I don’t eat a lot of beef but I do make a point to eat it when I can. Eventually when we do get a house I plan on getting a nice freezer so we can store this type of stuff long term. Will be imperative if I land a deer!
I'd go hunting with you mate, show you a thing or two, talk some shit around the camp fire. I'd curb my swearing if E-dog was around of course. 😇
Gardening is fun! And also hard work. When I fully retire, this is what I'm gonna do tho!
I'm more interested in herb gardening and I've had some herb plants (cilantro, basil, mint, etc). I love cooking with these! But yeah sadly they all died too.
I also tried growing lettuce in my little backyard in the past but was unsuccessful. It's hard for me to keep anything alive, well, except my cat. He's a survivor lol!
Lol I wonder how many lives of his 9 are left? 😉 kidding.
Herbs are a little tricky to keep alive depending on the herb of course. I don't have any experience with mint or cilantro but we are doing pretty well with parsley and basil right now! We couldn’t keep the dill alive from the first go-round but this next one seems to be doing well. These plants and herbs require different levels of sunlight and water. The dill is definitely a partial sun plant, the first time it got full sun and it died quickly lol. I’ve got it in partial shade right now and it’s doing great!
Besides the food and nutrients for the plants, the most important thing is keeping them watered. You should start by planting the seeds in some pots and getting them going then moving them to bigger and bigger pots or from pot to soil outside. I would love to be able to put them in the ground but we don’t have land for that so it will have to wait. Besides, I think I’ll have to contend with the local bunnies over that! Chicken wire is your friend to keep those critters away lol
The most important thing is that he is still alive.
I've had some success with Basil. I had a hard time keeping Dill and Cilantro alive so yeah maybe I didn't give them proper sun or too much sun.
Aww bunnies! 😊
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