My Top Tips for Healthy Living After 40

Greetings friends of Hive and @weekend, today again I will participate in the initiative proposed by @galenkp, in which he raises several topics to choose one and express our experience and know the other Hiver.


It should be noted that nowadays health is a major factor to be able to perform any activity because if we do not feel well, this will harm us at work, home and anywhere where we develop, and when we reach the age of 40 we have to change habits to maintain good health, since from this adult age is when the body has changes that can affect and collapse, causing damage that we can regret, if we lead a disorderly life.


One of the first recommendations to maintain a healthy life is rest, when we are young, many times we sleep late because we are at a party, and we do not pay attention to it, but this affects the body, the sleep we lose is never recovered, so it is important to sleep at least seven hours, as this allows us to recover and our body feels better when we sleep pleasantly.

Also, as a second recommendation, physical activity is important, with this I do not want to say that we will exercise every day, but at least twice a week, you can run or walk, in my case I like hiking and this allows me to release stress, enjoy nature and in turn I stay active and in good health, as the walk strengthens the heart and the entire system of our body.


On the other hand, another factor that allows us to maintain a good health is food, trying not to abuse and eat fruits, foods that contain vitamins B and C in order to have good defenses against any disease. Although I confess that I eat carbohydrates and I can not have as a diet but I feel in good physical condition and health. If we have for example a party, I particularly take some drinks or a few beers but I do this on special occasions.


I hope you liked my suggestion for good health and that it serves as an example, see you in a future publication.

Fotografías: Teléfono Redmi Note 10
Portada realizada en APP GridArt
Logos utilizados de Hive
Traductor utilizado: Traductor de Google

Photos: Redmi Note 10 Phone
Cover made in The APP GridArte
Used logos of Hive
Translator used: Translator used: Google Translate

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Thank you for these tips, really after 40 we should lead a healthy life and take care of our health.

It has to be put into practice ❤️😍

Excellent advice to follow after the age of 40, I follow them all since before I turned 40, I also take vitamin supplements and calcium that the doctor sent me to prevent bone wear, we must take care of our greatest treasure which is health, greetings. 😊

Good friend, health is important to enjoy a healthy life, thank you for your comment, greetings.

I already belong to this club of the 40's, I just need to get active in sports to follow the path of good health. Thank you professor for these tips.

Ya yo pertenezco a este club de los 40, sólo me falta activarme deportivamente para seguir la ruta de la buena salud. Gracias profe por estos tip´s.

Well, you already know how to invite your husband to exercise to stay active and enjoy a healthy life.

It is true my friend, sleep is very important, it is restorative and in youth we often do not value it, a great point as sport and healthy food. Excellent greetings.

Greetings friend, thanks for your comment