The Weekend: Lucky Life: The Time I Won A Car

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago (edited)

It was 2009 and I was a spritely 27 year old. I never really won anything before but when I was travelling to work I used to listen to a certain breakfast show in Ireland called the Ian Dempsey Breakfast Show. There was a mini segment called Gift Grub. The Irish contingency on Hive would know it well. @niallon11, @thehive @ablaze and maybe @trucklife-family. Anyway they were giving away a car on that weeks show. Everyday there would be a quiz where two listeners would go head to head in a quiz. The winner would then go to the end of the week and there would be another competition between all the daily winners on Friday. The winner selected from this would win a brand new BMW 3.20i coupe. The new model worth around €58k.
I was on train to work in Mullingar from Maynooth in Ireland. It was Monday and I love BMW's so I said feck it. I'll ring up to see if I would get through. 2 rings and I actually got through to their switchboard. They said I was one of the callers and I was to go head to head with a Shelia from Mayo. I wasn't prepared to go live on national radio but two minutes later myself and Shelia were battling it out tooth and nail.

"Question 1 : What Irish performer was on the Ellen DeGeneres yesterday?"

Shelia knew the answer. There were 2 questions. Feck, Shelia has this wrapped up. She answered correctly. I forgot who it was. Maybe Riverdance or U2.

Question 2: Then they played a clip of this little lad on his way home from the dentist stoned out off his head. They asked where he was coming home from. I got in and said dentist. Take that Shelia!! It's not over yet.

It had gone to a tie breaker. This was it. Make or Break. You could cut the tension with a knife. And then something amazing happened. I know what you are thinking. No Shelia did not get cut off the line or have a massive heart attack. The radio host gave Shelia the choice to go first or last for the next question because she was the first caller. It was a bit strange as there was no question asked yet. Shelia blurted out first. Then the radio host Ian asked the question,

"A comedian in Australia broke the world record for the most jokes told in an hour last week. How many jokes did he tell??"
"The closest to the answer wins. Shelia you decided to go first."

Shelia was rattled. She was ammming and umming to beat the band.
10 seconds later and Shelia was still hesitating. There was someone in the background shouting at her in a whisper.
"We have to push you Shelia."

300 hundred jokes shouts Shelia all flustered.

"So @blanchy you are up next"
"How many jokes did he tell in one hour......?"
"It was way above 300 but if I went too high then that Shelia one would have me."
"So I decided to screw Shelia over good and proper. It's dog eat dog in this world Shelia and you made your bed by going first."

"301" I said.


"That would be correct Ian. 301. Final answer."

Ian the radio DJ went quiet and you could tell the radio producer was giving him instruction in his ear."
His cohost Mario Rosenstock was in hysterics calling me a crafty bugger."
Ian decided to tell us the answer.

"The correct answer is 2549 jokes!!!!"

"Congratulations @blanchy you are through to Friday for a chance to win a car. Hard luck Shelia."
"Shelia was fuming and I heard after the show that she complained to the powers that be that she was at a disadvantage."
Them's are the breaks Shelia babe.
That was Shelia out of the way. Roll on Friday.
I had training to do!!

Que Rocky montage


Friday rolled on and I had all the family and friends listening. I was in bed with the new girlfriend who I ended up marrying which is lucky life number 2. The radio show rang me and gave me a 5 minute warning, The 4 winners of the daily prize were waiting while they were carrying out the quiz for the 5th winner.

"So today we have a piece of fruit in the glove compartment of the BMW 3.20i coupe. We have 5 balls that we will draw out. Each ball represents one of the daily winners. So we will put the balls into a drum."

"The first ball out is number 3 so Ann. What fruit is in the glove compartment"
"Kiwi" says Ann

Kiwi??? I thought to myself. It was 2009. Who eats Kiwis in Ireland??? Kiwis weren't introduced to Ireland until around 2008. Ann must be one of those South Dublin millionaire land rover milfs. Why was it the first fruit Ann fucking thought of?? If Kiwi was right then I'm jumping off a bridge and Ireland is dead.

"NOOOOOOOOO Ann. "Incorrect answer I am afraid."

"Right Let's go again. Roll the drum. Number 5. Frank. What fruit is in the glove compartment"

"Plum" says Frank.

Oh jesus christ I thought to myself. This is Ireland not fucking Italy. Where are all the apples and oranges???

"No I am sorry Frank Incorrect" said the radio host.

"Roll the drum. Number 1 ... Sally...."

"An orange?"

Oh fuck oh fuck, the first good answer.

"Incorrect Sally, unlucky."

"Lets roll the drum again......"
"Number 4 blanchy....."

There was one fruit that never let me down. Those pesky apples were a bastard to my teeth and were always getting caught in them so they were out of the running. The fruit I favoured most of all. It wasn't perfect but I always had a special place in my heart for it. I decided to go for it!!

"Banana?" I said asking rather than telling.


WELL DONE!!!!!!!!

For the first time ever I was speechless. I was now the owner of a white BMW and had gone up a couple of rungs in the social ladder. The neighbour will be going mad seeing me rock up in a 58 BMW. My phone was on fire from friends asking me if I won a car on national radio.

Shelia must be abbbbbbbbbbsolutely fuming right now. Hahahah with her 300 jokes. I could fucking tell 300 jokes in an hour for god sake. It was her own fault. The radio show rang me and told me to ring the garage to pick out the colour, specs etc.

So I did and it was christened Milky from then on. It was some car. When you got in there was a robot arm which gave you your seatbelt. It had some power in it as well.
I had to get rid of it in the end. I had a pesky baby and the babyseat couldn't fit into the back of the coupe. I sold it but it was a sad sad day.

So there you have it. After this win I gave radio a break for a while but came back a year later and won a night in the Westbury from the same show. So some would call me very lucky. That's it for me now though. My luck days are over I think!
Thanks to @galenkp for the prompts this week. Great memories finally jotted down.


I remember the name not the show. Night person I sleep mornings mostly lol

They ask the first caller to choose 1st or second before the question is asked not to give advantage to the second caller. You could also view it as ladies first. Which is probably something you might have jested or been sincere about, if you were asked to choose.

lastly, you ain't Irish if ye can't tell 300 jokes in a minute.

😀 😀. Yeah it was a mad reason that she was the first caller but anyway I got the car in the end. Was a really funny time.

What a freaking epic story and seriously? You essentially won a car to a 🍌 that's hilariously awesome. I so enjoyed reading this. Don't think your lady had anything to do with luck 🙂

Thanks for reading @andrastia ya legend. Yeah so from then on I will always make sure there is a bunch of bananas in the house! ah in fairness i did well for myself. I had to kill a few other suitors in a swordfight to get my dame. !

Bloody hell, awesome! Thats the best tale I have read in ages! What a car too. And lady but I wont go down that road!

Sheila, 300, LOL!

Not a word of that is made up either which is hilarious. She really said 300. My real nickname is actually my Hive name but my older friends still nickname me 301 over getting one up over Shelia. They reckon it was the worse performance on the phone since Aimee from Mayo and Kevin from Galway had a nightmare on national television trying to win a bike.

Haha, I like the should of this vid. As soon as I get the kids down I will watch!!

You are lucky, I don't think I have won anything near that valuable!

keep with it, its worth it in the end, The host is in knots.

Ah stop, saw this live at the time.... Creased laughing... never gets old 🤣🤣🤣🤣

They found Kevin from Galway 13 years later. We met a Kevin from Galway on holiday and we gave him some abuse. ahahahah. Is it a sheep?😂

Blanchy as in 'from Blanchardstown' by any chance? 😆
Well, if that's the case, it's always better than being called
'Darney' or 'Ballymundee'🤣

Blanchy from Clonmel Tipperary. We are a rare breed. French sailors who got blown off course and ended up in Tipperary. No relation to the Blanchardstowns or the shopping Centre however I do run a shopping centre so there may be some connection there.

You're shitting me man!!! Brand new beemer!! Class man!!! Been on today FM a bunch of times. It's easier to get through than people think, the most I came away with was a Hoodie from Ray D'Arcy, a little phone charger gizmo from that annoying bastard Ray Foley and the best was Ian Dempsey, got a €1000 voucher for DID or the like, got a nice new telly.... But a beemer.... Ya jammy bastard!

Hahah yeah it was some prize alright. Couldn't believe it. I went from a focus to a 3.20i . Madness. Foley is back now annoying as ever. I'm currently entering that draw at the moment where they ring you and you tell them the amount. 64k was win yesterday

Good man! I am not partaking in that one, bit too like a lotto and probably 100K to 200K entries each time at least. I prefer when ya have to call in and perseverance pays off rather than pure luck of the draw stuff..

\o\ brilliant strategy on the 300 spartan jokes and a big kick sheyla

Ann must be one of those South Dublin millionaire land rover milfs

This cracked me up

I am partial to a kiwi nowadays so I take what I said back about Ann the milf.

Hi. What an entertaining story. You are a very lucky person and I think there will be many lucky days coming your way. Greetings from Venezuela.

Hopefully so @nbarrios67 . I have two healthy young children and a roof over my head so I'm lucky enough. Greetings from Ireland.

Well played with the 301 that was the masterstroke!
That's a cracking car and a cracking win👏

Yeah I looked like a right knob driving it though. hahaha.untitled.gif

haha aye those beemer drivers haha
Did you flog it or keep it?
I won a fair few grand on the Derby many years ago and bought a Jag XJS convertible, no way was I getting a beemer.

Love the jags myself. I kept it for 5 years. I was some motor. Petrol though. I was broke Mcginty.

haha the petrol, hell yeah I remember that, christ almighty can you imagine it now 🤣🤣🤣

Wow, what luck, to win twice in the same program. You were the sensation of the moment.
Thanks to the banana and your opponents' bad answers.
Could it be that the new girlfriend gave you luck?

She was actually writing fruit on post its beside me in the bed and banana was one of them so she takes a bit of credit. 😀

I think this is more than luck. You were a bit crafty and might I daresay wily, too. I was thinking you would say 303, but hey, it did the trick. Good one. And yes, I am sure Sheila is fuming. As for me, I have only ever won a six-pack of beer.

As my father always says winning. the six pack of beer. Its bbetter than a kick in the arse

Your dad is a smart man.

Saved by the buzzer....nope.

Saved by the banana.....yes.


I have never forgotten your banana story and is a classic.

Ah the banana story. Never leaves me down! 😀

two loves of my life are pictured above and below

are you sure both of them are not in the picture below :P ?

I see what you did there. I didn't seek those out, They just came with her! untitled.gif

nice deal to be honest :)))

That's amazing. I have always had the worst luck on call in shows but I'm not jealous. No, not a bit. Well maybe a little.

I did win tickets to a RATM/Beastie Boys concert once and then Mike D broke his shoulder and it got cancelled. That was fun times.

So congratulations on your stupid win. Who wants a flashy car, anyhow? You can't scrap a bunch of TVs in it.


I don't remember the show, as I didn't really listen to the radio much.
But I do know Mario Rosenstock! How funny that he called you a crafty bugger.
I remember him dressed up as Angela Merkel stroking her cat LOL.
Can't recall the name of that show...
Anyway, that was one hell of a story, YA LUCKY BASTARD YA! (as they would say in the region where I used to live hehe, in case you have to ask again: First Roscommon for 6 years, then Mayo for 4, yeah, I know...the weirdest places to end up in).

A kiwi...hahaha, yeah, that wouldn't have been the first thing to come to my mind either. Or a plum. LOL. I know most Irish kiddos still get an apple, an orange, or a banana for lunch to yeah, one of those would have been the most plausible. And eating an orange in the car makes a, that one's out too.

Thanks for sharing and thanks for the laugh.
Now, GO, tell us 300 jokes...

I have a sneaky suspicion that you are Shelia from Mayo @misslasvegas . The timeline adds up. 😀 untitled.gif

Oh no! You got me!
I've been secretly stalking you all these years, just to
see if that beemer didn't make you miserable for whatever reason haha.
If you ever felt like someone was lurking around the corner,
catching a glimpse of you driving off into the sunset off the coast
of Wicklow, then your gut feelings would have been right.
That was me! All the while conniving, thinking of my next move.
Would I be following you to Tesco? Or Ikea even?
Maybe an 'accidental' run in on my way to work?
These past 10 years or so have been tough.
Every night I cried myself to sleep.
Every night!
If only I would have said 2,500! How stupid! That beauty of a car
was mine for the taking! And instead, you had it all!
While I only had my pillow, a Mario Rosenstock poster as a cruel reminder, and my 27 cats...
It's just NOT fair at all!



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haha hilarious! It must be that lucky Beegees quif!