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RE: Weekend-engagement week 13: Ask me anything

in Weekend Experiences5 years ago

Oh man. After Sam is out safely there's not much that I'd really need. I suppose it comes down to what I got from two grandfathers. One's Ruby ring. I got it mostly because my hands are big enough to wear it, it's a size 14. The other is my grandfather's pitcher. He sold seeds door to door when he was 10 and got enough to give his mother a carnival glass pitcher with eight glasses. 6 of the glasses are lost forever but I have the pitcher and two remaining glasses.

Fortunately, both are right near the door so I could put the loose items in one of my motorcycle helmets. I'd need a ride after I burned out!


Everyone should have a fire plan in the house. We do and feel a bit safer. Also, a fire blanket and extinguisher. See above for my answer to Jangle.

I also have a fly bag. I was more answering in the spirit of the question than the actuality.

I also have a fire plan, two fire extinguishers and two really obnoxious fire/CO detectors that I test at least annually.

My papers and passwords and passport are stored in a fire safe inside my gun safe, it would be a 'when cooled' recovery plan.

Shit. There would be some ammo cooking off, I hope none of the neighbors gets hit. And a couple pounds of black powder that would probably leave a mark. Plus a local fire department that is legendary for saving the foundation, it would be a mess...

Haha yeah, the black powder would leave a mark for sure! Seems like a similar plan to mine, good to hear you have it although I never for a moment thought you would not.

I did just wire the spare key for the fire safe to it's own handle. If some bad guy can crack the gun safe he can crack the fire safe, right? That way I'm sure I can find the key in a rubble situation...

My crypto wallet uses push notification. One finger print on my phone is my brothers and mine is on his phone. Just in case.

Nice thing about my house is it's so flimsy the black powder explosion wouldn't be contained at all after it left the can. It would still have some serious power...

Plans to be prepared I think. Nothing to gain being ill-prepared and considering how simple it is to have a plan...Crazy that so many don't.

Yep. I'm not exactly over prepared, but I have at least a rudimentary plan in place.

 5 years ago (edited) 

A plan is more than most have. Some don't even have a first aid kit in the house and vehicle, or know how to use it. Quite pathetic really. And they call themselves good parents. Laughable.