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RE: Weekend Camping Trip

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

WoooooHooooo I'm back in the saddle again!

The campground had specific raised spaces for your tents-along with a quaint 'no moats allowed' prohibition on them. The idea of it! I did have my entrenching tool with me (really) but just not allowed to dig in the place.

And I agree with you absolutely on the location and your reasons for it. If it was a target score, I shot 46/50. Not bad considering I pulled that one shot high right...


No moats?

I suppose they had rules against a trebuchet or two, boiling cauldrons of oil, ramparts, barbicans, parapets and other such defensive structures. And they call it a camping ground!

I'd say your score was respectable indeed. And, I'd also say, it's good to see you back here.

I promise that next time I'll camp in National Forest Service dispersal camping. The rules there require a shovel (hence the auto pack entrenching tool) an axe (mine is more of a hatchet sort of axe-they'll cut you some slack on a motorcycle) and a bucket. I've always gotten by with a couple of gallon jugs of water.

NFS doesn't have any restrictions on trebuchets so long as you don't cut any living trees to make it. I do carry a couple of lengths of para cord that would probably do to lash the thing together...

It's really good to be back, brother.

I'd say you're well on the way to being able to lay seige to a castle or two. When the seige happens give me a holler, I'll help storm the drawbridge berserker style, just because I can.