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RE: Weekend-engagement week 67: The important week

Well, since I'm about 300 comments ahead of where I entered this last weekend, I'm going to take a run at the main question right away.

1: My intellect. I'm a very curious (both definitions) individual and I want to know how things work and how they got the way they are. Not some things, almost everything. I'm pretty able to puzzle through most things that pique my interest.

2: The world, the real world. Preferably the bits with not very many people in them. I am just really happy when I am out blundering about in space and time. I love riding a motorcycle to and from, it's way more connected than an air conditioned coffin. I'm pretty good in the back country and go routinely.

3: My senses. I think it goes with the other two. I catalog smells and touches and sights and sounds with my remembrance of a place or thing. It's certainly part of it and I'm really glad that I get to experience it all.


I want to know how things work

that is something I can relate to from when I was a kid. I once took an old Royal typewriter completely apart. and I mean completely, I snapped welds and took the little letters off of all the stems. It was fun, it actually took a long time to take it all apart, of coarse I was never able to put it all back together, but that did not matter.

We (my brother and I) had a motor from a gas powered Maytag washing machine. We'd take that thing apart and put it back together to see if we could make it run again. It was huge fun...

Having an inquisitive nature is a strength. Sure it can come with its own set of issues, like can't get enough information to sate my curiosity, but to be curious is important.

They say, curiosity killed the cat, but how limiting is the lack of curiosity, best to take a look, gain the intel and go from there.

The world. Yeah, legit I agree. Best to be out there as eventually we'll not have the chance, and the last, senses. Where would we be without the ability to process the information right?

Legit answer.

Curiosity carried to my extremes can sometimes be a weakness, that is for sure.

When I wrote the bit about senses I was specifically thinking of the smells you get on a motorcycle. In a car you have artificially scented air to ease you into your seat for the long ride. On a motorcycle you can clearly smell the difference between a cattle feedlot and a hog farm. Or smell the flowers that the bees collected honey from to take back to the hive.

I get it...It's an amazing feeling indeed. I really want to get a bike again...We've talked about it before I guess. I will.

I'm dreaming of a place I know, where you start up out of the desert then drop down into a sub alpine meadow. Nice, really nice corners for a couple of miles before you start going up with a purpose. There is a bee keeper that lives in that hollow (there's a little used to be town) and you can SMELL the flowers and honey as you ride through. It's maybe 120 miles of good ride from here....

You're purposely making me want to get another motorcycle right? Lol.

Well, maybe :)


And which is most important? You got be curious there... 😬

You love to ride motorcycle? Can I join you in one of your rides? It's an adventurous move indeed


Of course you can come. I'm older and ride a more protected ride, in fact I'm just about to buy a different motorcycle that is built for two up. Like this:


😂 I'm feeling so honored, hope I'll be the first to ride on it with you.. That bike looks awesome and it could go faster from the way I see it.

It's adventure time!!! 🤭

They are reasonably fast. I've owned much faster motorcycles. It is REALLY comfortable out on the road. Honda engineered it to be so.

I could tell from what I'm seeing... Nice one

Hahahha indeed you made it in time before we have a flood of comments!

Curiosity is a good one! I can think of several things I started simply because they seemed interesting and eventually I wanted to go even further with them.

My sense of smell is quite strong (sniffwizard) and I wouldn't have it any other way.

My sense of smell isn't acute, but far above average. Most of my life my vision was really good. Age is taking some of that away from me but I still see well.

We had an old fart for a neighbor when I was just little. He had to start wearing glasses for close work and reading probably in his late 50s. I remember my dad giving him a little grief about his glasses and he replied "I can still see a pheasant shit at 30 yards (30m)" I was probably 5 and just thought that was the funniest thing I'd ever heard.

Hahahhaha that gave me a good laugh too 🤣😆.