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RE: Weekend-engagement week 13: Ask me anything

in Weekend Experiences5 years ago

The bike was/is owned by an individual. I believe it was sold as a part of an estate sale. I think it is now available but at a huge price.

I've seen the Vincent Red Shadow twice, both at auction. The guy that owns it won't let it go for less than a million and he's been close both times. It is one of one.


I know of the bike you mention, a White Shadow special order only 15 ever built and only the 1 in red. A very special bit of kit and bloody expensive.

Exactly. Damn, is it pretty.

I wonder why Vincent never offered the red?

Sorry for the slow reply it's been a busy day for me, they certainly look nice in red but I love the original Black Shadow the best.

Yeah, I agree the Black Shadow and Black Lightning are too iconic for ordinary paint.

But everybody knows that red motorcycles are the fastest :)

Hi Tom, sorry for the slow response, I'm a little wrapped up in preparing to leave the Philippines at the moment and haven't been online for a few days.

I have owned dozens maybe hundreds of bikes over the years, but for some reason, red has never worked for me. Even when I raced Honda's I would change the livery to black, it's always been my colour of choice, I've had a few Honda 400/fours over the years and they were blue or yellow but never red.

My vintage Maico's are all red though, that's something I would never change.