Explicit Weekend

I was told that in every situation we should give thanks to God because whatever happens in our lives,He is aware and that is why we equally heard that he will not allow any temptation over us to come near us.
Hers in my country Nigeria was sunny but we asked for the rain and God sent down the rain but this what became of my fate
Cleanliness is next to godliness and I took it upon myself to make sure I keep my surroundings and clothes washed and tidy.
And yesterday Saturday was the worst day ever because it rained non stop but despite that I was able to carry my duty as a security guard.
But it was superb in all ramification because I was able to eat to my satisfaction because no food for a lazy man.


The downpour was pretty serious, sorry about the water.

Keeping doing your good work bro, sky is the limit. I think the fufu is a very rewarding food for you after the days work. 😅

Yes oh,afterall we were told that man shall not live by bread alone but in this situation,bread is needed for survival

Very needed bro 😅