Oh, I get how compelling this weekend's topics must have been for you, being so fond of history as you are!
Charlemagne is an interesting choice. I tried to think of a historical figure I would choose to be, and Marie Curie was the first, second, and last person I thought of. When considering who to be, would we change some of their choices in life, or do exactly what they did and reap the joys and sorrows of that? I think I'd be naughty and experiment with changing the course of history. Oops.
Marie Curie would be cool too, though death of radiation not so much... I think because you know how people die it makes you careful of who to pick!
Indeed, death by radiation sounds awful, but I had to weigh in the relevance of doing such a valuable contribution to humanity. Besides considering the cause of death, one would have to factor in if the person in question was good and kind, too. From what I've read, Marie Curie was a great woman. Not only intelligent but also very courageous and strong, which I admire.