Tell us about it, I think I can do that. Today started sort-of o-kay. I've had a busy, sometimes painful, and expensive week. It was just one of those weeks one is glad is behind you. So one more trip up the road once again this week, pleasure trip this time, my wife needed to get a few things from the store.
The view leaving said store. It is still fall but it is being a pretty wet cloudy and overcast kind of fall. We were lucky to get our trip in up to Tern lake. To often all the pictures shared are of nice weather shots, not so nice weather days can be nice photo days also.
It has been getting below freezing over night, ice in the birds water dish this past two mornings. Soon the below view will be of snow not rain, it has been 38F/3C for most of the day today.
New winter tires were needed this year, twice the price of what they were in 2016. But when that scene above is all white and the trees have birch trees have no leaves, the price must be paid. That was yesterday. So now next week will be a busy and expensive week also, hopefully no pain involved though.
I know the last windshield shot is not that great, but I am not a pro at taking pictures when driving, fortunately there was no one behind nor in front of me, it was a kind of nice section of road, I like when that happens you feel like your the last couple on Earth when it does happen. The people, where are all the people? Did the covids get them all? are we the last? What now? What if they are still out there? Waiting to feed on us? What are we gonna do?...oh wait there is another car, I guess we are not the last ones on Earth. Such is life in Alaska we have empty stretches of main roads sometimes, and it makes for a nice drive when that happens.
At 38, it is not long before the white stuff flies, Winter is coming for us in the northern climes. Hope you Southerners are enjoy your spring dance into summer.
Wonderful photos. I agree that rainy days deserve photographs too.
We had a very unseasonably cold day yesterday. 84 F for the high and most of the day was in the low 70s with a nice gentle rain. It's 67f right now. Will make great walking conditions for Sam.
The Navajo would call yesterday's rain a Winter rain. Summer rain comes violently with a thunderstorm...
I used to enjoy the summer rains in California. As a kid I always thought it magical that I could stand in the sun in my driveway and watch the neighbors driveway get drenched in a torrential down pour.
So beautiful, but so cold! I live in Alberta, Canada, and it's bad enough! I went to Alaska about 20 years ago. We drove up. We camped. It was June.
The things that stood out to me were:
I wonder whether it has changed much. I don't think I would enjoy the 24 hour darkness and the extreme cold of winter. I can barely stand our six months of winter. Maybe Anchorage would not be so bad, being on the ocean, but it would still be so dark in the winter!
I drove back up about 5 years ago after leaving Alaska for a few years, there really was not much change at all.
Nice colours in the trees but yeah, it'll all be white soon huh? With your winter tyres (tires) are they spiked? My brother has to have spiked ones up in Finland. Here...Same tyres year round.
I've always wanted to go to Alaska...It's always been so high on my list but I've just never made it. I don't know if I will either, only time will reveal. I'd like to though.
Yep, enjoying spring and the summer...Well, it's bloody hot down here in summer but I'll make it work. 😀
Yes in the winter we run on studded tires, To much ice and snow build-up. It can be very slippery at times up here.
Yeah ok I figured but wasn't certain. It's all so different from Australia.
Lol... I don't even know if I'd prefer winter to summer if I was opportune to live in that part of the world but here in Nigeria, I prefer the rainy days to the sunny days... I hate being so hot that I can't sleep 🙈
Those trees are beautiful, nice weather and nice shot
I've heard through the years three seasons for you guys, Hot, Rainy, and then the awful windy season. We are pretty fortunate we get some windy days, but not a whole lot of them in a row.
😂 You're so lucky indeed, but we're kinda used to it... I mean we grew up in it so it's a normal stuff now
In my experience both extreme cold and extreme heat are oppressive! I was in Thailand for a month in 2013 (it was supposed to be a year, but it did not work out -- a story for another day). It was 40C most of the time and humid. Some people laughed at me and others were worried that I was about to die. I was simply a very hot Canadian. I turned pink, not from sunburn, but flushed from the heat. I was pink during most of my stay. And perspiring. My landlady said she had never seen such a large air conditioning bill. Well, I was happy to pay it. I needed some relief.
However, I felt a bit spoiled at the same time. My father grew up poor in a very hot country. It was regularly as hot as Thailand in his country, and they did not have air conditioning in his home.
I can't be so sure but something tells me I'll prefer the winter to summer if I live in a country like that. The regular sun over here isn't my favourite, I don't think I'd want anything that's remotely more than it
Have a nice day! How I wish to live place which is cold.
Thank you, I hope today is a sit at home day with no need to go anywhere.
That's good!
You need to stake more BEER (24 staked BEER allows you to call BEER one time per day)
Man it is really fall there already! Looks cccoooold! It looks amazing there though, super natural!
Yeah it is really Fall, almost winter, I get my winter tires put on sometime next week before things start to ice up hopefully. We have already had a few days below freezing.
Wow, we still had 23 degrees here (Netherlands) today, which is really uncommon for the time of year. Where are you at?
In Alaska. Cold weather can start pretty early. Hopefully the snow waits as long as it did last year. it did not snow until November which was unusual for us.
Oh it must be wonderful to live there. I had the pleasure of visiting Alaska once, but in the summer and it is still one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen in my life
I'm so jealous! I so want another road trip through an autumn landscape, too. I don't think I'm quite ready for that temperature yet, but definitely do want the scenery!
Pretty nice gif.