My passion for the subject of dreams and what they are in my life (WEEK 228).

Dreams are different doors that open to show us things, all kinds of things. They are often reflections of other places.


I always had dreams, or rather I always or almost always remember my dreams. Many people don't, but in my case I do. Besides, you can train yourself to remember them.

In my eagerness to look for answers to many things that happened to me, I have spent a lot of time investigating what they are, why or rather what they happen for. And I didn't do this by reading books, although I did read some, but rather by experimenting with myself, analysing myself and my dreams, reviewing patterns and analysing them.

For example in my case it is not the same to dream in black and white than in colour, if it is in colour everything will be fine, but if it is in black and white unpleasant things are coming. They are warnings, here I leave my first clue.

In the beginning, when I was a teenager my dreams were strange, convoluted, as if my mind was disguising them somehow, to take care of me. The brain exists to take care of us. Always.

I had recurring dreams, two, mostly: Of stairs that went up and down, marble, wood, all kinds, and I had no way out of that maze of stairs. The other, they were chasing me, I had to run, to escape.

Today I understand what they were, at that time they frightened me. The stairs were the search for answers, about myself, life, reality and escaping was part of the same labyrinth, to get out of there and see things as they are, to find the meaning of everything.

They say that he who seeks finds, so by seeking, the answers came to me. It was many years of searching, of finding answers, and I found them. Although the answers are sometimes difficult to believe or accept.

In my particular case, and according to my experience in all people it is possible, my dreams have a particular meaning.

When I understood the meaning of them, they were no longer symbolic or metaphorical dreams, things that seemed to reflect everyday life as some say, or fantasies or wishes. They became another reality.


Dreams are doors, to other planes. Who opens them? Ourselves, if we are ready for it. Anyone can do it. When I say ourselves, I mean our other self.... Yes, there is another self.

When those doors open we can go to the past, to the same present, but in another place, or to the future, even to possible futures that are formed according to our thoughts and actions, decisions. We can also go to parallel universes. The energy body has no limits.

Many times these so called dreams can help us to understand things, or they are also warnings. In my particular case I have been warned of the death of my relatives, neighbours, acquaintances. They have warned me of illnesses, diseases, operations. For example, I ‘dreamt’ of my mother's three operations, spine, gall bladder and varicose veins. They all came true exactly.

I have dreamt, always in inverted commas, I don't consider them dreams, about the death of my cousins, my aunt, students... and the list could go on. It's very hard, but it prepares me, it's better to be prepared, even if it hurts. It does.

But I've also dreamt of good things like my move, before I even had it in mind, of the house number where I would live and the day my papers would arrive.

I've dreamt a lot of things and over time I've learned from them. There is much more to dreams than people think. But the brain, let's remember, always protects us, so when we don't understand dreams it is for a reason.

The intense connection I have with my other self makes those channels to other places clear and the way clear for understanding. This whole subject is difficult to assimilate. But I'm glad I've met people on my path to chat about it with.

Maybe @galenkp saw it in a dream, that this is a favourite topic for me. Thank you very much for that. I invite you all to share your experiences with dreams through the interesting weekend topics.

Best regards to all and see you soon.

All photographs are my own.

Used translator free version.

Separador Amonet rosa.png


I loved every single paragraph you have written here, and it seems like a post that I could easily have written myself. I also plan to participate, but wow all the topics are very personal and I am thinking which one would be the best for me. I also think they are entrances to other planes and in fact I have discovered many things through dreams. I liked that ending where you name Galenkp haha, how original. You are an excellent writer my friend. A big hug for you in the distance...

I'm sure you'll choose the one that calls to you, as I always say, they are always great themes! I love writing! Thanks to you always Jesus!🤗

Dreams can tell us many things, they are a reflection of our life, words that we keep silent, situations that overwhelm us or those that we have to find a closure, everything is manifested in dreams, it is the brain trying to show us the way 🙏

Buhito always dreams of burning the world... ups! 🦉

Let's try to have a little bit of the world left hahahaha thank you very much Yami! 🤗🤗

Sometimes I have nice dreams but most of the ones I remember are horrible... They always have something to say, right? Beautiful photos, little bird.

For you, advanced soul, they will always have something to say. Thank you Queen!💗

Good choice of topic, also dreams are important in my life and I think I am one of the few therapists who work with them.

The last time I have used them in the framework of psychology was yesterday before some skeptical students.

I asked for a volunteer and we worked on a recent dream of theirs. When we finished (the mini session lasted about 10 minutes) she thanked me for helping her.

Dreams, you explained so well, can teach us many things about ourselves.

A hug @avdesign.

Many things can show us, inside and outside ourselves, it is a fascinating and sometimes dangerous world. Thanks to you!

That it is real... that it is not...

Many thanks to you, I enjoyed the text very much, I will visit you tomorrow. I have to go now. Hugs

I'll be leaving in a while too, see you tomorrow!

Qué tengas una gran noche, 😊 hasta mañana.

Good morning dear friend @avdesing
How great that you have learned to analyze and interpret your dreams, it is something that I am passionate about and I would love to be able to do it
I take this opportunity to wish you a great day

The answers always lie within oneself. Thanks to you!😃

It is all too true that he who seeks will find, just as it is also true that if he touches you, not even if you take your hands off.
sometimes discovering things is usually very painful the subject of dreams I see it as an immense sea, and although I often have questions in my mind I prefer to let them pass by because it is an unknown field for me and I think I would get lost.

If that's how you feel, it's better to leave it at that, whatever your inner self says is the truth for you and that's fine. Thank you Monica!

Hi, I love dreams, sometimes so realistic that I prefer to keep dreaming than to wake up, nice post my lady.👍👍👍

Thank you Cholito, thank you very much!