Healthy mind and emotions, healthy life, suggestions. (WEEK 225)

To have a healthy life after the age of 40, you have to prepare yourself much earlier, mentally and physically.


I never give advice to anyone, but I can suggest some things based on personal experiences that have helped me, things that I have experienced myself and that worked for me. But since I don't know what is best for each person, because I don't know their life mission, I can only guide or suggest. I only know what is best for me, and how I know... is another matter.

The number 40 is a special number for me, when I reached that age I was turning my life around 180 degrees, radically. I changed everything... why? Because I knew it was the best thing for me. A little bird told me so.

Today, after so much time studying myself, maybe I can make some suggestions to have a healthy life, to get there and continue after the age of 40. You have to start earlier and not get ruined at 40.

I believe that a healthy mind and emotions are fundamental. Achieving peace of mind.

And what do I mean by this? Well, words and thoughts have an impact on life, they become realities, so it is important to learn to control them. Nothing in life can be controlled outside of ourselves, only ourselves and then reality changes.

Having peace of mind, being at ease with ourselves, good self-esteem is fundamental.

But I also talked about emotions, they determine health, yes, a bad emotion affects the brain and the brain sends the signal to the body... something is wrong, then health is damaged. The body always speaks, it tells us what is wrong with our emotions.

Analysing what we feel and healing those emotions, such as hatred, sadness, resentment and many more makes us heal from the inside out.


A second suggestion could be a balanced diet, as we are in a human body and therefore taking care of it is important.

The food should have all the necessary nutrients, but not only feed us in this way, but also with good moments, happiness is also food.

A good book, a beautiful moment with your partner, pleasant and enjoyable family chats are nourishment. Of course, this will depend on each person's taste. What I like is not the same as what others like. I think I am thinking out loud.

But going back to nutrition, it is also important to give up vices, such as smoking, alcohol, and on the other hand to take into account exercise, even if it is only walking. Eating well also means not consuming things that generate stress, as this is bad food and will have physical repercussions.

As a correlative of the previous suggestions for a healthy life, I believe that receiving affection from others and from ourselves is key.

Giving ourselves some treats or doing things we enjoy feeds the soul, makes us feel good and brings wellbeing to our lives.

As an example I could give some related topics.

  • If I had a certain amount of money I would buy books that I am passionate about. I know, I was expected to say that as a woman I would buy clothes, but the truth is that if I don't need them I wouldn't buy them, but books are knowledge and I am passionate about them.

  • Another case: If I were given the choice of what to do at night, party or at home with my partner, I would choose the latter. Of course it's a matter of taste, but I don't like parties and hustle and bustle, I prefer a delicious and romantic dinner, a good movie and a good time.

  • The demonstrations of love and affection also make a person's life healthy, if the emotions are balanced, so will the body. That is why I believe that these gestures are essential for life. Many of us have not had them in childhood and for that reason we have had, at least in my case, to do some internal work to repair that lack, to learn what is best and to build a path with demonstrations of feelings.


A healthy life is built from the moment we are born, it is a path that we decide to take, but if we realise later, it is always a good time to change course, with effort and desire to do so, it can always be changed.

This week I loved all the topics, at least I couldn't leave any of them out, because for me they were all related. Thank you @galenkp for this opportunity that you give us every weekend.

A big hello to all of you and I wish you a great weekend.

All photographs are my own.

Used translator free version.

Separador Amonet rosa.png


I don't know what is the real secret of a healthy life after a certain age haha there are many athletes who ate healthy and exercised and died young because of a health failure, maybe one factor was missing, love, and vice versa too. I don't know the answer, only God knows, meanwhile, Buhito will continue to do evil things 🦉 ok no hahaha

Love is not food like the food we know, but it nourishes the soul and I assure you that it is very important .... that buhito continues to make bad things .... is a love!😍

Good morning @avdesing
I loved your post, great that you shared your experience and the things that have worked for you

Thank you so much @miprimerconcurso 💗

Saludos amiga, me deleite con este lectura. someternos a un auto análisis de lo que ha sido nuestras vidas es importante, la salud mental juega un papel crucial, casualidad anoche hablaba con mi esposa sobre eso. Por otro lado esa pintura de la primera imagen esta tremendamente bien.

It is what has allowed me to change my life and my health as well, to renew myself! Thank you very much!😃

How are you dear friend @avdesing good afternoon
I love these posts where you invite us to reflect, what you say is very true, staying healthy is a lifestyle, and we must take care of ourselves from a very young age if we want a healthy and happy old age
Have a wonderful weekend

So, it's an everyday job! Thank you very much @jlufer 😃

Yes, it is true that since childhood your family has instilled values ​​in you to enjoy good health.

Wellness and health is a long road to reach 40 or any age well. Thank you!💗

This post is my new bible.... I can only say: “THANK YOU”, and I can no longer hide that I don't know the secret.... I'm in my 36, I think I can start to make that turn.

You can always do it, age doesn't matter, the important thing is to be aware! Your bible? hahaha thank you!!!😃

Your post has very good reasons and suggestions to rethink how we are living.
We think we will always be young and that the body will resist but it is not so, not at all.

I tend to be a homebody but I also like to go out and walk to release stress and strengthen my lungs...with so little we can be happy with our minds and soul.

You have a beautiful way of taking care of yourself and I appreciate your heartfelt way of sharing it with us.

Healthy life, healthy body.


One learns by walking this path of life and if I can help, then I am very happy to do so. Thank you very much!💗



What a great points and lesson. 40 is still like a few more decades for me but I also believe in the idea of healthy mind and emotions. It helps so much to get through life and one of key components to age gracefully as well. Thank you for this valuable and expensive life lesson!

Emotions often affect our health and if in addition to food, we have good emotions or repair the bad ones, our life will be much better. Thank you very much for your valuable comment.💗

Very interesting your reflection, I have to take some tips that you give although I applied some I see that they are insufficient to have a better quality of life every day. There are also many external factors that escape us from being able to achieve our interests. @galenkp always with good and interesting topics. And you also give us very good advice, life has taught you a lot. Thank you and enjoy your weekend and give us those nice walks that we enjoy with you.

Thank you always for your words, we all learn from each other, there is always something to improve and I love this possibility of always being able to talk about my experiences. Thank you beautiful, have a lovely evening!💗

Hey! Me encantó el hecho de que dejaras claro que no te sientes con la capacidad de dar consejos, pero si con la suficiente experiencia para brindarnos algunas recomendaciones, porque a veces cuando decimos "te aconsejo que..." La persona que lo recibe nos carga con la responsabilidad de que resulte 100% efectivo 🫠 Por otro lado, hay quienes dicen que comer bien y cuidarse no siempre es efectivo, ya que muchos han muerto a pesar de hacer esto; sin embargo pienso que nuestro cuerpo es un templo y está en nuestras manos el poder cuidarlo, hasta donde lleguen nuestras posibilidades.

Mantenernos curiosos y con la necesidad de seguir aprendiendo siempre será una buena recomendación, nada nos permite relacionarnos mejor que el hecho de tener que compartir ✨

You said it yourself and that's how it is. No, I'm not one to give advice, I don't know what's good for the other person, I can only say what worked for me, maybe it will help someone else. Thank you Gloria!😃

Thank you very much. You have no idea how many people you reach with these much needed words and advices. You are doing very well.


Mutual help is welcome, thanks to you!🤗

We are on the road. 🤗

A very accurate publication, also from my point of view. There is one point you mention of highlighting and that is those good moments you share with the people you love and love you, that is also great food for health (there can be no health without happiness and there can be no happiness without love).

Have a great weekend and may you receive lots of love Amonet.

That's exactly what I think, and it starts with love for oneself before the rest can come. Thank you very much! Have a good Sunday!😃

Buen domingo!! 😃
