A well-prepared and organised prank is a complete success. (WEEK 241)

Everything in life that is done in an organised way and meticulously taking care of the details, guarantees the achievement of the objective, even if it is a good prank.


I work with a team of people where we all contribute our efforts and work towards the achievement of objectives and goals. Just as there is a common goal, there is also a personal and individual work and private objectives of each one.

It could be said that, although we form a group, the organisation has both group and individual goals and we help each other to achieve all the goals in general.

There is a lot of organisation, everyone takes care of different tasks that are carried out, of course there are always things to resolve and there have also been moments of decisions and stress, like any job, but we get through it.

We all get along very well and one way of making the work more enjoyable is to have those funny moments, where we all have a good joke. But there is one member of the team who is the most... let's say joker and among the women in the group we decided to play a good joke on her.

I took the initiative to organise it, which took me a while. We have a conversation group, just like Telegram or Whatsapp and that group is organised by topics as if they were conversation folders, according to the topic... you know everything is minutely detailed or at least that's what we try to do.

So there is a general space and other sub-spaces created by this colleague to deal with particular issues in different spaces. This group has a name, a logo, a specific structure.

Well, days before the time set for the joke, I created a mirror group, but without such a detailed organisation. Just the name and the logo. The women in the group joined that space and we saw that everything worked correctly. Besides, there are only a few of us in our group and no one else is allowed to join. Closed group. But the mirror group is not the real one...

On 28 December, April Fool's Day, I pulled off the big prank: we simulated a failure in the original group and moved this colleague to the mirror group, all virtually, of course. Everything looked the same, but without the departments or dividing folders..... He went crazy because there was no organisation and we girls played dumb.

But not only that, we introduced another stranger to the little group. The madness of our partner was extreme. Like his face was on fire or something and we were laughing our asses off. Let's say he takes care of us a lot and there was a stranger, a stranger we knew, but a stranger to the group and that was not conceivable... but it was the mirror group, nothing was happening... but he didn't know that.

Everything was messed up, there were no more folders with all the details and there were also strange people, it was chaos for our partner who is so mathematical and structured. A real chaos.

The whole prank was going great, until at one point we told him the truth, we wished him happy April Fool's Day, World Prank Day, and everything went back to normal.

Privately he said to me: Congratulations, your prank went perfectly.... Hats off!


It was a fun day where a good time was had by all and even the guest had a good time.

From time to time this kind of thing is not bad, not heavy jokes, but fun ones, I think besides creating a nice atmosphere, it unites the group more and you work differently and with smiles. Smiling is contagious and makes the day-to-day tasks more pleasant.

weekend topics, I couldn't resist telling this story because when I read it, a smile was drawn again on my face remembering that moment in the year 2023.When I saw @galenkp

Thank you very much for reading me today, I wish you a great weekend. See you soon.

All photographs are my own.

Used translator Deepl.com free version.

Separador Amonet rosa.png


Hahaha, and what happened later with the fake group? I suggest - organising there everything too, so you guys have two real groups 😂 the mess would be great hahaha

One of our organized pranks (well, not pranks but surprises) was when we went to our country, to surprise our parents on Christmas Eve and nobody knew that, just the three of us (my husband, my son and I). We arrived after a lot of hours of travelling (plane, taxi, another taxi etc) in the evening. It was dark. My son rang the doorbell at his grandmother's house... she came out and was in shock! The poor grandma didn't know at that moment if she was seeing ghosts or if it was really us. The same thing happened at my parents' house and then we said that we wouldn't make such heavy jokes anymore as it was a shock for them. Of course, they loved that we went there, and we had a beautiful time with the families but every next time we announced our coming hahaha.

The fake group is there... intact.... a new joke wouldn't be bad, the only one who isn't is the fellow in question hahahaha

Better warn.... see if they get scared and think they're ghosts... again!!!! Well... I've seen ghosts!

It is evident that you have an excellent team, who, in addition to working hard towards their goals, make time for fun.
Laughter is very good for people, it creates a really pleasant atmosphere.
I take this opportunity to wish you a great day.How are you, dear friend @avdesing?

Sometimes it is necessary in order not to work under stress and to help day to day life. Thanks for always being there!

Hahaha look at you! so loving and mastermind at the same time hahaha good joke, very premeditated. If I was made as a joke something so planned in truth I would feel very flattered hahaha so much mind invested in making me annoyed hahaha.

BTW... ¿tienes hueco para una escapadita en Mayo? no sé si lo has visto pero te dejo la info de un próximo MeetUp en Austria, en caso de que pudieras moverte.


I'll check it out and see what it's all about, thanks!😘

Wonderful, I hope you can make some🤞 time!

hahahahaha he deserved it! hahahahaha it was very funny and we had a great time, I like to laugh!!!! Thank you!!!

I imagine all of you had a lot of fun.
Congratulations to that group for being so united and working towards a common goal. You don't find people like that anymore. At least I don't.

Virtually neither? You'll find that group... I would be the mother of them all... is it because I'm so old? hahaha

😜 Maybe it's just me not liking the groups. I don't know... it happens to me with the guys in the cycling group. They never agree... hahahaha... and that makes me tired because I'm a big girl. I mean, old.

You have to lead !!!! we are already grown up hahahaha

I don't like to lead anything... I sometimes feel that I don't belong in this world. I'm not having a good day today.

(pero lo cambiaré en breve... 🚴‍♀)

You are on the right track... we do not belong to this world, I have known that for a long time...

It was the best joke in the world. I remember how the man sent messages to the group and privately asking us to expel the intruder since he was dying of jealousy and wanted to be the only alpha male. He says he's not jealous but YES! It is hahaha how we laughed that day my god. I also remember that one time with Hernan's profile we made it look like someone else's and there he also lost his term hahaha he doesn't learn more... .

How not to remember it, time to prepare... he deserved it and he came out jealous hahahaha I loved it, I forget it more!!! And I remember Hernan jajajajaja as we had fun at the expense of the panda jajajaja

Wow, for someone so organized, it must have been uncomfortable to be in a group without folders, the joke came out very well, just to imagine the face of the guy with so much disorder makes me laugh, heh, heh.


You can't imagine how he was hahaha it was too funny and he recognised that the joke was very good. I think there was fire coming out of his face hahahaha

I imagined the joke step by step, and I had a great time. I was even able to imagine the look on the face of the target of the prank. You are a great team.

Big hugs to you, @avdesing, and the whole team.

That day we had a lot of fun, and the joke was very good, and there was a lot of planning and detail hahaha Thank you very much and good morning!

Buenos días!!




There are some great new gifs coming out!

How wonderful it is to work with people like the ones you have on your team.
I thought this joke was a great idea
Have a beautiful SundayGood morning @avdesing

If the team gets along, it's great. Thank you very much!