This is a topic that isn't usually accepted in many communities of the platform. So, let's try to be the less rough as possible.
This is part of the weekend-engagement, so don't take it too personally if you are a religious person.
Where Do We Start?
Since I was a kid, I have always been tough about God.
At the beginning I only knew about the Christian God and his son Jesus Christ. Most of the things I learned was because I was attempting to a Catholic school during my childhood, we always have to be thankful about everything "God is giving to us", and many things like that I heard it a lot of times.
Then, while I was growing up, I discovered that other cultures believe in different things, that they had their own opinions and researches.
I remember that I had to spend a part of my weekends in Catechesis (Education to successfully convert you to Christianity) and going to the church, it was very annoying.
That's just an introduction to my Catholical life.
But Why Don't I Truly Believe in Religion?
Why should I pray and be grateful to someone that allows so much suffering in the world? starving kids and animals, violations to women, injustice around the world, and don't say the dumb thing about free will because that's doesn't fit.
Fary Tail Story
Just by talking about how the Human being was created it is so... well... Do you truly believe in that? that Jesus have the power to turning water into wine but it doesn't have the power to change the world and stop all the bad things that happen in life?
I don't know how people in actual 2023, still believes in those guys. All the atrocities they have committed in the past and the actuality, they should be erased. And I don't even mention all the money they have and most of that money they used in expensive things for them, it's hilarious.
But hey, what is my believe then?
In absolutely nothing. I can't say I believe that we were created by a random blast and I neither believe that someone omnipotent created us from the sand.
I just believe in me and the things that I do.