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RE: Weekend-engagement week 67: The important week

So, important things huh...I have countless of them I notice now that I think about it. But 3 of them I would like to mention anyway are: my own karma, my independence and my friends.

My own karma - I strongly believe that we reap what we plant. When we harm others, sooner or later it returns to us. I have seen this in others many times myself. Moreover, you can never live peacefully if you have harmed others. Someday your conscience will start to gnaw at you. Therefore, my actions in life are important to me. I always remind myself that I am on earth to do good and not the other way around.

My independence - For a woman of Hindu descent, of all the three things I have mentioned, this is the most important. Because I see very often in my immediate environment (also in the family) how women are oppressed. They are not allowed to make choices in their career, not allowed to choose their own partner etc. etc. In a very early age I had sworn that I would never live like that. Fortunately, I have parents who taught me to be independent as well.

My friends - My friends are my driving force. They motivate me, push me to go on and especially not to give up. It is therefore important that you choose the right friends. Friends who hold you back, by whom your energy level drops, you don't need them. No, I'm talking about the friends whose mere presence gives you that boost to climb a step higher in your life. It's my friends who listen to me when I'm stuck with something, it's my friends who give me an earful when I forget my own values. I wouldn't know what to do without my friends.


Oh boy Karma that is a biggie, I totally agree if you harm others it will come back on you, if not, you will live with regret for doing it in the first place.

yea..people often tend to forget about it. But every deed of us has is consequences I think.

Old saying "What comes around, goes around." Yes I do believe everything has a consequence.

Your own karma, how come I've never thought of that before? It's so true that we must put that as an importance just so we don't lose sight of it and be bad to people.
I've heard stories of how woman are being oppressed and made to do what they don't wish to do, sad to know that your culture supports such too. But I'm glad you're very much against it in your life.

Friends are very important especially the good ones that are for us.

You've answered really well here and I like your three items. You first one though, I tend to agree that one's conscience can gnaw away at a person and I wonder have you had a particular circumstance occur in that regard? Of course don't need to divulge anything of a personal nature, I just wonder what you're experiences have been.

Hi @galenkp...hmm..yes, I did stuff as a teenager that I think of as 'I could have been a better person', but those were little crazy stuff though. I've fortunately never done anything that eats me up inside.
But I do know people in my immediate circle who spent years bullying others and making their lives miserable. And believe me, now in their old age they can't live in peace because they have regrets.

Yeah, bullies. I'm glad they have regret though, and are miserable. They deserve it for their actions.

hahaha, yeah they sure do!