It takes guts to admit that. I am sure that this happens by accident more often than we all think. The avoiding the store afterwards is totally understandable. At least you guys can laugh about it now and call each other kleptos - that's funny. It'll remain a family joke for years so at least something good came of it.
My four year old daughter stole bubble gum from a convenience store a few months ago and I didn't notice until we were a few hundred kms away. I still have to go back to that shop and explain what happened to the manager and pay for the stolen item. I'm not looking forward to it to be honest. My daughter is having to do chores to work off her "debt", it's hopefully teaching her a lesson.
Hi @andrastia, yes we had a good laugh after that day and the right thing to do was to go back and deliver it.
I congratulate you for what you are doing with your daughter, that action will always remember her and will prevent her from temptation in the future.
I have a lot of this kind of stories from my grandmother and my uncles, my grandmother would hit them with a hard strap and then take them to deliver what they stole.
Today they laugh at her antics and are grateful for my grandmother's attitude. Thank you for your visit and support.