I Want to Having My Own Home || WEEKEND-ENGAGEMENT #93

In the next twelve months I want to...

What are your goals over the next twelve months in your off-line life? Do you have set goals, or are they just hopes and dreams. Tell us what the next twelve months holds for you, what you'll achieve and how. Tell us how you'll track your progress and measure your success.


I want to have my own home...

I have always dreamed of owning my own home. Twelve months from now I may be married and living apart from my parents. Having my own house after marriage is one of my dreams, even if I could have it before I got married I would be very, very happy.

When I was young, the desire to own a house could not be achieved because of financial limitations and savings that were often spent on buying a cup of coffee and food. I can save, but then buy something less important. Even though I could have taken a home loan at my age at that time.

A landed house is my biggest wish for now, if possible soon. I've talked to my future husband, after all, we will have to live separately from our parents and have our own house. Putting aside the desire to own a car, as long as we can use a motorbike, we have to save diligently to be able to buy a landed house as soon as possible.

Living with my parents at this age, especially after getting married, really stresses me out. Not because I was forced to get married, but there must be things that don't match my mindset. We often disagreed and I felt like my opinion was not being heard, I felt like my parents couldn't fully understand me, and I couldn't clearly convey what was on my mind. The age and experience gap also makes my parents like most Asian parents demand their children to do what they want without considering their children's opinions and feelings. That's why I want to live separately after marriage later.

Plan after plan in the next twelve months has begun to be drawn up, including saving more, looking for a side job, trying several brand campaigns on social media, or becoming an e-commerce affiliate. We planned it all so that our savings to pay the house down payment were quickly realized.

Twelve months may seem a short time, it's also possible that we will only be able to make it happen in the next 2 to 3 years, but no one knows sustenance. Maybe, in twelve months we can collect the down payment for the house we want and start paying off the rest, or who knows we will get more money to be able to buy a house in cash. I hope so.

By writing it here, I hope that everyone who reads it also prays for what I want.

Thank you for reading my dream about home.


Afrianti Pratiwi

Hi! I'm Tiwi. - Welcome to my daily journal! My writing is all about life, travelling, books, food, or something in my mind. Enjoy!

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I hope that you manage to own your own home 🏘️😁

Thank youuu