Being a Man

One thing I will never regret in my life is being a Man.


Some set of people felt bad the way the Almighty created them either as a man or as a woman.
A lot of things have made me feel like a king, the great kings are men.
A lot of things have proof that being a man is one of the best things God has done for me and other men like me.
Being a man, people see you as an automatic leader, the best form of leadership is experienced when a man lead, a lot of culture support that only men can rule. Some cultures even believe that women are useless and that their functions end in the kitchen (although I don't support this) but no normal and sensible culture goes against men leading.
The man is tagged the breadwinner and head of the family because they are ordained by God to provide for their family which exposes lazy men easily.
As a man I can marry more than a wife and control them under a roof.
The masculine gender comes with Strong sense and physical power to carry out daily activities which is not present in any other gender.
The first thing I believe God has done for me is making me a Man.

Thanks for reading through 😘
The pen dazzles 🖌️


This reads as very misogynistic.