The first step doesn't get you where you want to go, but it gets you out of where you are.
Finally! My favorite season has arrived: winter, a mild and clean winter in which people become kinder, calmer, ¿happier? Well, the latter could be related to the high variability of needs satisfied by people in their microworlds.
But my winter season is fast and fleeting like the hummingbird that delights in the nectar of flowers, and in a second of time it is barely enough to observe the infinite march of its wings while it briefly suspends itself in the space where its flower nests.
However, my winters are versatile in seasons, in the same day you can experience spring, summer, a brief autumn, and the tropical winter that is absolutely beautiful, and enjoyable.
I took these photos in motion.
And at the end of a whirlwind of cold hours, everything will still be wonderfully green.
But can you imagine that in a magical moment like this you lose your job, and all that calm turns into despair? Here is my participation for the weekend commitments that our host galenkp usually prepares for us in this first week of December.
Imagine that today you are fired from your job, which means that you will have no income starting tomorrow. Does it affect you emotionally and mentally? What measures do you take and why? Use your own photographs.
Right now I'm on a trip - for work -, and I'm thinking about how many things I could be doing if I weren't spending all my time at work. But, I will try to be empathetic, and think about others first.
I took these photos in motion too.
I have been doing practically the same thing for almost thirty years,and my thematic language is my work life, so sometimes I could be boring, repetitive, and a little monothematic...😅.... then if I arrive at my destination today and they tell me: "Until today we will employ you and for x reasons we will no longer need your labor services, your salary will only be covered until this date: Then Goodbye"... it will definitely feel like a sharp and paralyzing blow in my stomach.
There is no way to avoid falling into a neurotic crisis, and asking yourself thousands and hundreds of questions: And what do I do now with my life, how do I face the bills, what will become of my future plans, how do I put food on my table, the house, the children's college, the medicine for my pet? For God's sake, how do I solve everything?
And it will be that at that moment panic does not let your rationality overcome your fears, and the drop in self-esteem makes you feel at the very least, a useless rusty and broken barge that was left abandoned in a corner of the sea.
Would it be a horrible feeling of desolation if you had never thought of a plan B before?
I took these photos in motion and they are beatiful.
Being more me, I am sure that in many ways it would affect me, but I would dare to assure that my soil would not shake due to negative emotions, perhaps some insecurities, but I am not sorry to say that along with my work I have built ideas, projects and objectives for which I have fought, and they have made me see that reality is much more than a single path.
Life is a sea of opportunities, and shipwrecks too.
What would be my options?
The best strategy is to foresee.
Yes, but if you have not planned anything, be prepared to start from scratch and with some budget cuts.
Reorganize your finances and your priorities, that will allow you to survive austerely, and no, you are not going to die.
If before mercantilism was your most precious vice, now you must become a first-class minimalist gentleman.
You have to be willing to start from scratch. The first thing we should consider is not to be afraid of any job, no matter how difficult and officious it may seem.
I took these photos and i was happy.
Is cleaning family homes degrading, sweeping the streets where you walk is degrading, caring for the elderly who are not yours is degrading, washing dishes where you don't eat is degrading, and can doing plumbing work with other people's liquids be worse?
Only that while you work in a position where you feel protected and protected, you will never think that these other jobs are for you. So the next thing you need to change is your mentality.
Propose a new life project.
In life the most precious thing is freedom, and as a slogan says: Be your own boss and choose who you want to be.
If you have an idea that you are passionate about and that has tempted you for a long time, it is the best time to put it into practice... dare and risk everything you consider necessary, it is never too late if you can start again.
The worst thing that can happen to a person is to continue believing that the cow is to blame, and not its own ability to grow.
If the world changes, then change with it, do not put all your eggs in one basket, and create the courage to take control of your own life, adapt without limits to new circumstances, and perhaps you will be surprised by the result to become what you always wanted to be.
Always very grateful for your reading.
The text is entirely my own
All photos are my property
Using the Lightroom application, free version
Translation done with Deep Translate, free version.

Wow im glad to know someone loves this season. I love it too
Yes, I love this season, so nice in my country, but it is also true that it can be dark and very cold in other latitudes.
At this time of the year you feel the temperature so nice and I can work more and rest better without a doubt .
Thank you!
Excellent! Not because they threw me out, but when I moved to another country I left my job of 12 years teaching... and my first job here was cleaning buildings... life changes and transforms and anything can happen. I loved reading you!😀
Girlfriend, you're a sunshine,
that's what I'm talking about! You know I follow pages where people are cleaning houses..to know how they do it and how much they charge...that's in case I emigrate one day...😂
Always a pleasure to have you read me, I owe you, it's just my time...when I leave work I'll be on Hive more time...😂
Always keep the goal in mind and it will happen! I can assure you.😃
Beautiful pictures My friend, thanks for charing. Have a good day.
Hi, thank you always for being so kind...I wish you a very nice birthday nice....
Thank You so much My friend. Have a good day.
Muy bonitas imágenes y el texto rememorable también, gracias por compartir.
Thank you, I really appreciate you being here.... fifty with my support and keep writing nice too...
I imagined that you would praise this topic. I'm not a fortune teller 😉 All your working life in the same center, increased the odds of getting it right.
I can't imagine what my life (including non-work) would have been like if I had stayed all these years at my first job. Then many factors forced me to leave it. I still feel some nostalgia, I had a nice work group. We planned many activities together outside of work. I had good friends there.
Although it is hard for me to leave a workplace, life has put me in those circumstances several times. Fortunately, I have always worked in jobs directly related to what I studied. I would also have no problem taking on other professions if necessary.
Your reflection, as usual, full of poetry. It is a pleasure to read you. Happy Sunday 🌻
Sometimes circumstances force you to change...and we can't be afraid of it.
Yes, you guessed it but I was about to talk about photos on the beach, God only knows why I didn't...😂😂😂😂
You are brave for not staying where you couldn't give answer to your family needs, life is hard for everyone and it's all about resilience and knowing how to adapt.....
Thanks for always being around...in a little while I will read you...I am working believe it or not...😂
It's been a while since I've been to the beach, so I couldn't write about it 😀😀😀😀 but you did have a recent experience at the most beautiful beach in the country. Well, you couldn't quite detach yourself from the topic, as the pictures speak for themselves. 🎼"Vamos pa la playa..."🎶 😜
My first job was in Matanzas, far from home and inaugurating the "special period". The time came when I had to decide, life was not easy for a "albergado". So I returned to my homeland and formed my family here. I have never lacked work and I have been able to practice my profession. 🌻
Life has never been easy, neither inside nor outside.... but it's about the history we've had to live...we have to do the best we can....
And I'm on the beach again...😅
On the beach again! Varadero? A real privilege.
That photo is beautiful 💛
Yep, it's so beautiful I can't explain it...😭🙃
Have an excellent day.