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RE: Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 225

So many fears and insecurities made me fed up one day, what were they good for? .... sorry.. they did! I learned to face them, maybe today I'm a little braver?

If I had known some things maybe today would be different, I learned some lessons, also my parents influenced that, but the fault is also mine.

Excellent topics for the weekend, I particularly like one, I'll be cooking it up a bit at a time, intimate things are fragile, and for nothing they break into a thousand pieces.

I wish you a wonderful weekend, for us at least the sun came out today.

Let's go for it.


I hope you have a great weekend too, hopefully some fun stuff is in store over the two days. Enjoy!

Of course I am, today I am the queen of my house and that is always enjoyable 🤭.

Best wishes to you all the same.
