My three selves.Weekend engagement.Week 233.

in Weekend Experiences4 months ago (edited)


Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues.

Over the years I have become incredibly quiet and silent, and although I can be among different spheres - including my friends -, my silence is part of my presence simply because I really enjoy observing and listening to the behavior of others.

Maybe it may seem like I'm wrapped in loneliness, or, in some kind of arrogance, but I'm just sitting on a wall "...observing the world as it really is...", and through a super powerful and magical lens I go discovering all those people who are surrounded by halos of lights that radiate Effort, Respect and a lot of Humility.

This is my entry for the weekend commitments that our host Galenkp prepares for us every Friday to make us reflect.

If you had to summarize your life using only three key words, what would they be and why? Use your own photographs.

A conceited, spoiled and crying girl is spanked three times and sent to disappear somewhere there. Parental love does not translate into giving a child every whim, but rather showing them the value of the world, that surrounds them through effort, perseverance and responsibility.

At the beginning of my life everything was easy: playing, eating and studying, the basics, right? However, as I grew older, I realized that the world is bigger and more complex than I imagined, and that it was no longer enough for me to live under the protective and passive gaze of my parents.


Chasing the effort.

They say that people who make an effort achieve their goals with a greater chance of success, and although it may not be as easy as I can describe it, it is no less true that when someone undertakes a project with passion, dedication and synchronism, the focus and perception of the world changes considerably.

There was a stage in my life in which certain personal insecurities overwhelmed me and made me feel less than others, I was emotionally misunderstood, isolated, and with many unhealthy complexes that did not allow me to focus on a renewing project.

The absence of challenges (or plans) decreases the chances of living a pleasant and fulfilled life.

That's how I began to understand that we need an incentive, a complement that absorbs you and becomes part of your film, your vibe. Do you like what you do? Barbarian! Do it, develop it, amplify it, implement it, extend it!... there it is, it is yours, because it cost headaches, bad nights, arguments, obstacles, obstacles and all the terrible conditions that you did not have to be able to get it going... and in the end, the immense pleasure of having achieved it, the taste of triumph, and the security and faith in yourself is substantially comforting from that point of great satisfaction.

Effort is within every human being, only some are more cowardly than others and do not dare to cross the line that says: Begin.


In search of respect.

I had my first notions about respect from a very young age through the influence of some teachers. I remember that at the young age of 7 I studied in a school where the teacher, far from making me feel admiration, made me feel afraid. She made fun of me. my notebooks and he absurdly compared me to his "star students." It was ugly, anti-pedagogical and malicious, even though I was the first girl who learned to read in his classroom, and that I used to be very quiet in my living table, I was so still! and I still don't understand the reasons he could have had.

But luckily the circumstances changed, and when they transferred me from school, I had a thick, very dark-skinned teacher who was a sweet person, and with her I learned - we learned - to be restless children in knowledge, confident, and intelligent, yes, because being intelligent is also an attitude, and it was then that I knew and understood the special value of a person that you respect with true admiration.

Respect is a value that you acquire through your actions, the trust that others perceive in your qualities, in the way you treat people, and the kind way in which they reciprocate it.
I respect Asians a lot, the social norms inherited by their ancestors have been so strong that they have not been damaged by the negative influences of the new generations of the West.

The respect I feel for an individual is key in my own behavior, because it subliminally brings me closer to the essence of a good human being as an example to follow.


May humility be pathological.

Do you know what I admire most in a person? His ability to make you see that his life is simple, and that he values much more what he minimally needs to live, even if he has great wealth and properties. That he does not waste his time in unhealthy discussions, and that he tells you with great sincerity that he was wrong.

With incredible love he responds to your concerns because he knows that he will only live once, and that taking his experiences and knowledge of life to the other world has never been the goal of his own being.

No, I have not been as humble as I have wanted in my life, but I suppose that has happened to many of us due to immaturity, for believing that we are the only navel of the world and for acting with a certain arrogance and stubbornness.

I've worked on it, because you know? People respect and love people who like to help, listen, support and feel equal to you without superiority, without false modesty, and taking into account your wrong or correct opinion.

You will never know more than others, nor will you ever be better than a grandfather with his gaze lost in the afterlife.

Humble people are owners of great wisdom, they are made of fragments of warm and sweet lives that transmit a simple well-being, and a security as white as the foam of the sea.

Always very grateful for your reading.

The text is entirely my own
All photos are my property
Using the Lightroom application, free version
Translation done with Deep Translate, free version.

y que más da ser preciosamente imperfectos...png


Humility, respect, and effort.
These are unarguably excellent traits that can make an individual live life to its best.

You know: it is not always easy to stay within the space that these words occupy in all their extension...they are strong and difficult to carry, but undoubtedly life is lighter when you go along with them.


Of course!
Life is sure lighter when we abide by these concepts.

What a beautiful thing you have written about each of these beautiful qualities, without which it is difficult to advance or improve internally. Respect for oneself and others, the effort to achieve goals... but humility... how beautiful, as beautiful is life, only that many do not see it. Thank you for these reflections and experiences.🤗

Sometimes your character can betray you, but the strength of wanting to continue demands that you meet certain standards.... so much so that you choose it as a way of life and demand it of yourself.
Being hardworking is a standard not to excel, but to feel useful and fulfilled....
Humility is a great attitude that becomes part of your actions and your life...
Respect is vital so that society does not continue to lose values...

Thank you and a special hug for you.

Thanks to you for such a great publication, a big hug!

A reflection worthy of being framed and hung in the most visible place on our path through life. 👍

I admire the simplicity with which you tell about such complicated issues of human behavior.

The key words you chose have a very close relationship with each other. Effort and humility earn us the respect of our peers.

Following the line of the anecdote you tell us in your post, I remember when I taught at the municipal university. At that time many students showed me the respect they felt for me. I always believed that the key was in the effort I put into preparing my classes always thinking that the students deserved respect. I was also receptive to their difficulties and was willing to help them overcome them.

How nice to be able to read your sincere reflections! Thank you, my friend, for sharing them. 🧡+🌷

What is difficult becomes easy when you tell it through yourself and your very personal experiences...
I thought and thought about what motivated me to be as a person who lives in community and family....just that..and adding certain salty notes is often interesting and pleasurable to complex topics like these, and that if you look at them from the back can become heavy and tiresome ...😂

Seriously, thanks my friend for being here.I appreciate it a lot.


A for Effort, big ups for Respect, and if you do say so yourself, Humility huh. Cool.

I myself am big on the opinion that respect is reciprocal but I dunno if it's a word I'd use to describe myself. Especially in these times, when it's meaning is almost lost or the line between respect and docility has become thin. What say you?

I think that humility is an attitude that is assumed with responsibility and will.
It is difficult to live in harmony with oneself and in society, the human being is complex, but to be able to have the power to control your actions, and to be benevolent because you like to feel useful and in balance with people is quite a difficult task to assume....

I believe that being docile has nothing to do with humility, a humble person is not submissive to others because of weakness of character, docility is just a way of being someone who may feel more comfortable being led by others and not prioritize what she herself may actually want.

People can be docile and complacent with those we love out of love, because we admire that other person , or just because of - sometimes - vagueness.


Makes a lot of sense. Thanks for taking the time...


Three words every person should wear everyday, I'm glad you identify with them, it shows the kind of person you are. Thanks for this reflection, we could get to know you a bit better.
Greetings and happy week. 😊

Thank you @wendy23, three words that we should apply for our land today more, how much we need to believe it and apply it to our lives, I'm sure we would be a better society and a better country....

Have a nice week and thanks for stopping by.


Three great words, very interesting and your writing is very captivating. Blessings 🙏