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RE: Weekend Writing Topics 155

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

Great write up @emma-h I'd be on the same page as you in the majority, if not all of what you say. I think everyone has a certain qouta of love to give and for me it depends on how much love one received as a child, I was lucky to receive loads and I tell my three children every day that I love them and they say the same back. I've never known love like the love I have for my children, but I love my Mum and Dad, my Granny when she was alive (only Grand parent I met, others were already dead), my brothers and sisters, friends. I've lots of love to give, and I put that down to my childhood and mainly my Mum and all the love and adoration she poured on me and my 5 sisters and 2 brothers.


Hi @ablaze

Thank you so much for your really nice comment, I enjoyed reading it and it made me happy to read that you can track back where you got the ability to love so much from. I also only knew one grandparent before she died, but I have so much love and respect for those that I didn't meet as I heard about them from my family and they were good, wholesome people. The salt of the earth kind that you don't find often these days.

I can imagine you must love your kids loads, I mean that kind of love is probably the strongest there is.

You came from a big family, that is so cool. I don't have that many siblings, but the ones I do have I love dearly and I tell them all the time too.

Have a great day/night, I'm looking forward to the next round of TTT :) Already have some of my songs chosen.

Eventually catching up on replies, sorry for the delay!

but I have so much love and respect for those that I didn't meet as I heard about them from my family and they were good, wholesome people. The salt of the earth kind that you don't find often these days.

Yes very good point and it applies perfectly to my Grandads and Granny on my Dad's side who I know only through stories and photographs.

I can imagine you must love your kids loads, I mean that kind of love is probably the strongest there is.

Ya it is for me, I'd do anything for them. They are great kids to be fair to them.