We have just what HIVE needs right now. A super easy and no-bullshit initiative to encourage encouragement on the "blogchain" (haha gettit?) Introducing ISUK. The EASY Creative Collective Initiative Trail Buzzword Thingy.
Oh hello there, you lucky person!! In case you've been hiding under a rock and haven't hear of the super-duper-guyz, let me introduce you to our BRAND NEW AMAZING INITIATIVE. The concept is super straightforward and won't annoy you. We're not annoying at all.
Put simply, think about this:
- Imagination
- Systematic
- Umbrella
- Knowledge(base)

Super-duper-guyz founder and super important person, Harryboomberg has come together with members, Smocksmuppet and Tangtangalang to create this exciting new initiative that YOU will benefit from, for sure. We're on YOUR side.

Here's how it works, and it's SUPER SIMPLE. Make a high quality post with lots of great internet content then make sure you tag ISUK and SUPERDUPERGUYZ. Then just reblog and cross post this post, and go onto Twitter and paste your blog post with the hashtag IREALLYSUK. Then make six comments in the Hive Devs Community, with a link back to our initiative, and you can earn a super important and very tasteful BADGE, just like Karlas!!!

Remember the time Karla went to the mall and met a boy dressed like a Fox? That was SOO CRAZY! She really is a hoot.
By taking part, you can get different levels of roles of badges, depending on your ISUK score, which is calculated by Harryboomberg's algorithm. The five different levels are:

Don't forget to take part in our PICK A DOOR CHALLENGE for your chance to win 5 HIVE and a pick-a-door badge!!!!!

Thanks to Harryboomberg, Smocksmuppet, Tangtangalang and crazy KARLA!
If you need professional graphic design, I can do it. I even made the dividers and the badges on this page!!! Forget the rest. Go with the best!!!!!!!!!
Thanks. We need more ways to reward content. Curation trails help to improve morale and content.