On The Nature of Real Healing & Human Liberation.

in Ureka Communitylast year

Throughout my entire younger life and up until about 17 years ago, I experienced numerous health problems. These ranged crippling eczema as a child that sometimes had me bed bound and in constant agony, tortured by the need to scratch but knowing that scratching would lead to more injury - up to me being crippled in the neck for about 10 years following a near death car crash, aged 21. It was at that point that I stopped everything in my life in order to learn how to heal - I feel it is important to share once again, in a concise way, some of the most important wisdom gained.

While research and exploration of health topics has accelerated greatly in the last 50-100 years, with new technologies providing insights into numerous layers and parts of people - there is still a fundamental layer that has been mostly unexplored within the self. Ironically, it is one of the most obvious layers/parts, but it cannot be touched and can only be felt to be understood - which has left it out of the reach of so many people who have been, for so long, hell bent on blocking out their own real feelings.

Unfortunately, the nature of such denial comes with a built-in self destruction mechanism - if you deny your own feelings, then you are probably also going to deny that you have denied the feelings, even to you. As a result, you have no way to acknowledge that anything is amiss and that any feelings have been shut out from your own consciousness. What began as a way to be 'nice', 'pleasant', 'friendly' and to have 'good manners' or to just 'fit in' to 'seem sane' soon became a self destructive process that causes all manner of ailments. These diseases are then hand waived away as requiring only drugs to treat symptoms, with a 'convenient' avoidance of the real root cause.

Without going into vast detail, there are unconscious agreements made and held between the majority of people that we will hold in these feelings, not mention them and definitely not trigger each other into them. This includes Doctors, 'scientists', therapists and researchers of all kinds - meaning that their own 'research' is just as denial laden as their own weakened emotional bodies.

Summarising the Complexity of Emotional Balance

One of the reasons that many people give for their own avoidance of their own inner turmoil is that it is just too confusing and overwhelming. So for the sake of ease of communication, I will boil down 1000+ pages of text into a couple of paragraphs. At least these puzzle pieces may trigger some people to ask deeper questions, rather than continue on a lifelong journey of denial and the resulting despair when terminal illness inevitably hits at some point.

Emotions are 'energy motion' and our body requires moving energy to stay healthy. The emotions are messages from our own will that let us know what we need and want (to stay healthy, among other things). Some of the feelings are ones that are being heavily judged against, misunderstood and heavily denied by people who mistakenly think that holding these emotions away and crushing them with guilt and lack of acceptance is the way to go: Fear, Anger, Shame & Pain are the main ones, though there are more.

Aeons of such denial and control (often being presented as being 'righteous stoicism', 'good breeding' and even 'holiness') has resulted in the emotional systems of all people being heavily imprinted and stunted. We don't have much time left to heal this.

The essence involved holds thoughts/memories and understandings, just as we do as a whole human - we can think of them as micro mirrors of a larger person.

In short, there are at least two key patterns that are commonly being held which prevent health:

1. "It's safer to stay still than to move in the wrong direction"

When emotions are triggered to move, they need to vibrate - so we might yell or move our bodies as a vibration. This is normal and healthy - free animals are experts at this. However, when emotions are held in, to them it feels terrible and is like being slapped or worse, even suffocated.

Just as dysfunctional people abuse animals (calling it 'training') through punishments, the emotional system becomes locked in to trauma patterns in an attempt to stay alive while also conforming to the control being forced onto them by the mind of the person involved.

This equates to a program that essentially reads as 'Do not move because moving will probably cause problems'. This is not unlike a person clinging to the edge of a cliff who knows they need to climb to survive, but fears making a mistake - so freezes in position.

The lack of internal self acceptance in most people has led to a situation where everyone contains some frozen emotional energy. This always equates to a loss of consciousness and loss of capacity in one sense or another. Some people have so much denial that they are more than 50% stuck and unable to change - this is a large part of why there is so much conformity and so little evolution on Earth at this timing.

2. Attempting to Feel Good Without Full Understanding.

We need to feel 'good' in order to keep the will to live and to continue living. Those who feel so 'bad' that they can see no way to enjoy life will eventually succumb to simply not wanting to continue and will die - whether through suicide, illness or some other experience they draw to themselves. We MUST allow the creation of experiences that we prefer in order to sustain life. This is not a matter of being selfish in a way that denies other people, it is a matter of necessity if life is to continue.

This is so innate in us that we do not need anyone to explain this in order to feel it and for it guide our lives - however, the level of denial on Earth is now so high that we cannot be reminded of it too much!

While we may realise that we need to feel 'good', we may not know how to achieve it. This is where addictions can be formed within people and where most of the human dysfunctions reside. If you do not know that you MUST vibrate your emotions and MUST accept yourself lovingly in order to feel good, you are going to be very likely to either:

a) Not feel good.
b) Try to use habit forming behaviours, drugs and/or drinks/foods to achieve 'good' feelings.
c) Go on an endless quest of travelling, trying new things and reading an endless list of books from self-help gurus to try the next best way to solve your problems.

The one place you have probably never been told to go is into your own feelings.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. The aforementioned unconscious agreements to continue to deny real feelings.
  2. General lack of understanding of the topic.
  3. People who achieve great emotional balance and health will also embody strong intuition, courage and capacity in ways that challenge the status quo of the centralised artificial power structures on the planet. Therefore, those beings who operate in a predatory way in order to focus the power they steal away from the masses of unwitting people through governments, corporations and religions - definitely will and do take all kinds of actions to limit such balance.

While it might sound unlikely and even impossible for a group of people to harness the power of millions of people simply by herding them into agreeing to deny their own real emotions, I assure you that it is not. It is quite likely that this will gain more acceptance in the coming years and once again, those in denial will say 'no-one knew' and herald the realisation as a 'new discovery' when it was nothing of the sort.

In the meantime, everyone who chooses to be free now can be if they diligently choose self acceptance with every breath. Allowing emotions to safely vibrate as sounds and body movements is a far superior option to a life of guilt, self denial, avoidance and ultimate disease/death.

The full process of emotional balancing being pointed to here is beyond the scope of this post, but I am happy to answer questions if you have any :)

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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As human I strongly believe our inner belive and emotion has a greater impact compared to external factors

I witness so much disfunction in people around me, and I don't claim by any means to have a healthy balance in my own life, but the world is full of people worse off than me in need of self-reflection and healing even more. And it's hard to recognize I can't carry their burdens in addition to my own. That realization is part of my own growth though.

 last year  

It's a complex topic and I don't yet have enough experience to say definitively how to heal others, but it can be done in unusual ways. However, they depend on us first focusing extensively on our own healing as it is definitely not possible heal or to help heal others without healing ourselves first to gain the needed experience. Additionally, people will refuse advice from other people on issues that they themselves have not first healed in themselves.