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RE: A Rebuttal to Anti-Natalism - Why Life Needs To Continue & How The Huge Problems In Life Can Be Resolved

in Ureka Community11 months ago

Given that words limit us, you put together a fantastic piece. Here's the punchline:

we mostly have epic memory loss

Understanding and innerstanding our multidimensional aspect is a huge task. Becoming the observer of self is necessary to regain harmony and balance in a dense 3D realm reigned by duality. You touched upon a plethora of aspects that go beyond quantum entanglement, which one can only experience (know, feel by opening the heart); that again requires opening up to infinite possibilities, something very hard to grasp for a brain / mind-driven individual. I love to look at things from different perspectives. I like to look at Earth as a training field for the brave. It's a harsh environment, yet the experience in this human avatar offers tremendous growth opportunities.

What's your take on the Metatron cube (as I saw you used its image)?

 11 months ago  

It is key to be cognisant that every thought that we think is a for of 'ink' (the-ink) within reality that can literally vibrate into experience outside of us. So stillness and zero is valuable - however, this must also not come through self control and limitation of felt vibrations. There is a need to allow emotion, while stopping thought - at least to discover and unlock some truths.

Earth is apparently the only focal point for will essence in the entire creation - which explains her diversity as compared to the other planets. This is why Earth is so fundamental and why our actions now determine far more than we know consciously.

Metatron and the related sacred geometry is a very large and complex topic. As with any of these topics there are a diverse range of views that span the full range from: "metatron's cube is the basis for life" through to "metatron's cube is pure evil".

I don't personally view it as evil (this idea is based on thinking which claims that Phi and other dynamics that are clearly present through physical reality here are themselves based on incorrect logic and are the cause of death).

For me it is simply a pattern which is very interesting to explore and which contains within it the ratios and constants which we also find throughout the entirety of our natural world. Clearly it is very significant and needs to be understood. I recommend the books 'The ancient secret of the flower of life' for a deep dive into the topic if you haven't already come across them :)

I was really interested in your personal "spin" on the Metatron construct. The perspective of the Metatron Cube being a fail-safe mechanism is particularly interesting. I've been digging into the Fibonacci and Krystic mathematics, the Merkaba field, the Krystal spiral, and other aspects/constructs. You never stop once you go down the rabbit hole ;) I'm a huge fan of Ancient Egypt. I never bought into the mainstream narrative. What we call mystery school is more real than the illusionary game we're so plugged in.

 11 months ago  

Aha ok, yes, it is the Krystic group that is claiming that Phi and Metatron are evil. They call the flower of life 'the daisy of death'. lol.
It's a huge topic and one that we would all do well to study, though, it is absolutely a rabbit hole of epic proportion!