Your Life, Your Country, Your World //

in FreeSpeech2 months ago (edited)

Taking a POLE, Do you think there will be another assassination attempted on President Trump before the election?


If he is elected, do you think he will live through the 4 year president term?
The TRUTH in Trump's Assassination Plot is Coming Out
stars divider.png

Videos giving evidence of more than one shooter //
stars divider.png

Four not so tall women part of SS team.
photos // duckduckgo images


I am on pins and needles for his Rally here in a few hours in Michigan. We know that the big 5 fraud states are the most dangerous for him. The same ones that had the 3 am vote Viagra and stole our election.

He should have real security now that he is the Rep candidate. The 4 little woman Secret Service dolls will be home cleaning their homes.

That one that could not even holster her pistol and was hiding behind the pile on top of Trump was a joke 🤣

Paul Blart Mall Cop secret service agent.





Funny now! Not then..


If it is in the script - which it likely is. About the "assassination attempt..."

Did You know... There is a biblical ritual that involves applying blood to the top of the right ear, and to the right foot. Why did Trump's SHOES come off??? That makes zero sense, unless...

This was a duping ritual for the People, and a religious ritual for Them, for One given the Crown of Jerusalem.,:a

Leviticus 8:23 And he slew it; and Moses took of the blood of it, and put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot.

It's all a production to cast sandy hooks into Our emotions to snag Us and drag Us where They want Us.