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in FreeSpeech3 months ago


Study: Animated worm-like structures found in 96 million Japanese citizens


"Pfizer and Moderna vaccines contain unauthorized “animated worm-like” structures, invisible to the human eye, that float, wriggle, and assemble into complex structures."

population of Japan >> 122,600,000 million /



Hydra! And nanobots! Plus graphene oxide that forms into circuits! Wait for full spectrum 5G, people will turn into zombies and some will drop dead!

It will be hard the accept when it happens //

I hope the plan to use 5G to injure people would be stopped in time. Lots of people would go berserk or crazy. The truth would be too difficult to digest! Hopefully, with God’s grace, many would be saved. Sometimes we just couldn’t change the wheel of karmic consequences.

Looks grim when there is an invisible force that makes you sick or kills you. They can blame it on anything and have the MSM back it up. If you think for yourself, you are labeled a conspiracist /

It’s beyond my comprehension why most people were afraid to confront facts and just look at the evidence. I have accepted that not all could be saved!

I believe their minds could never wrap around the idea so many trusted instructions could all be corrupt and evil at the same time.

Yup! But I still couldn’t understand how my friends, very well educated, believed all the propaganda without any questioning. They were also driven by fear!