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in FreeSpeech2 months ago

title of video >>> How NOT to become a Human Antenna / by Dana Ashlie


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As far as I know Dana has not posted in quite awhile. I figured deep state removed her. Years past she has exposed the dangers of wifi, microwaves / 4,5 & 6 G CELL phone frequencies on our health. Since we can't see or immediately feel the effects of this radiation we think nothing of it.



Great video. Hope she posts more.



I'm only ten minutes in, but this is very very good.Thank you for posting it.

Your Welcome, unfortunately very few will see this and question is how many of those that do will take it seriously.

I already do take it very seriously, use the cell phone as little as possible, hardwired devices, radiation blocking equipment, food I grow myself so I hardly ever go to those toxic places we call grocery stores, water I draw from a spring (possibly contaminated now that I've watched this, i might get the water filter she recommends), but I do almost nothing to detoxify, other than eating a liver loving diet. I might get that sauna too.

Sauna affordable, But we have to constantly detox. It gets worse and worse.

Great to see the truth and hidden information.

Very few will see it and few that do will not understand.