Well, it seems I have now been accused of....wait for....wait for it.....hold on, let me get a gif for this...you know... to increase the tension, and all that.....
What IS IT that I could I have possibly written that's 'not cool'? One may ask...
I went to look...
THIS is what is being referred to - a conversation with @minismallholding
Now... old @leprechaun here, has been a victim of being played (but that's on him, if he's incapable of sorting out the wheat from the chaff).
But...but...who could have twisted my literary prose into an alternative, twisted, narrative?
...One of a humorous exchange between me and my friend @minismallholding - to accusations of 'wanting to slice from head to toe' (lolololol)...
intentionally sarcastic - to emotionally 'affect you'- to help you grow up ) ....It's obviously someone who carries enough weight for it to convince @leprechaun of my words... (yes leppy-- I'm being
Anyways...who could possibly be behind this current insanity?
....it appears to be coming from an account that I attacked a few days ago.
An account whose butt I kicked.
(metaphorically speaking of course!!!!! I DO NOT ADVOCATE KICKING BUTTS! lol)
After expressing a stereotypical midwittery reaction, which, to be honest gave me the equivalent of a mental erection. (I AM NOT ADVOCATING MENTAL ERECTIONS OR SEXUALLY HARASSING THIS ACCOUNT! ..lol)
...An ego bruised midwit is a fearsome creature.
There's a reason why I've framed 'the midwit' as the 'ferocious nasgul', you know' !
(I'd mention hell, fury, scorn and women - but I might be accused of sexism, and misogynistic behavior!!lol)
Anyways....afters this accounts attempt trying to creating something out of nothing, I'm forced to return to this account.
(I never interacted again until now - my job as midwit czar was done.... Apparently not...)
...Silly, silly, midwit.
(it would be if it were a case of reality - and not a very poor attempt of psychological manipulation and playing the victim card)@LEPRECHAUN NEEDS TO APOLOGIZE TO @minismallholding.
...Just like ego crushing can make you bitter and twisted, it's also an opportunity to grow the fuck up. ....(looking at you @leprechaun).
Apologies are humbling, and being humbled is the foundations to growing...the...fuck...up...
If I'd put an add out online, asking for midwits who are comfortable exhibiting their pathologies for the world to see - I could not have hoped for a better applicant to the job that how regenerette is doing.
So thank you regenerette, you are indeed doing the world a service.
Just not in the way you think you are.
( I don't want to tag her, as it might be construed as harassment or victimizing..or...something....I'll ask leppy, ...he'll know..)
The sooner the midwit is put back into places of mid level management service jobs, and not trying to influence people through a misconceived perception of one own individual's intellect, the better.
No one that I know of illustrates this better than this account.
(actually, that's not true, but if I mention the other accounts , I'll get threatened. The threats don't bother me, but being downvoted to oblivion for speaking truth, does irritate me, and makes we want to spread the word of Hive, elsewhere..)
If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.
@leprechaun - try asking me before jumping to emotionally, virtue signalling, white knighting reactions...it makes you look really stupid.
You've been psychologically played, my friend..
Suck it up, take it as lesson, and go and apologize to @minismallholdings. (if I am suggesting 'slicing people up' -lol- then by saying how hilarious it is, she is , by default advocating such behavior - lol...
I don't give a fuck about an apology to me ,but it would be good for you , to do so.
I DO give a fuck about about dragging my friend @minismallholding 's into this, (by association).
I give some almighty , humongous fucks , about that.
Much larger than 'humongous fucks'...
she is deserving of a humble .... 'I'm sorry for being an idiot and not understanding that I was being psychologically manipulated by a midwit who's been scorned on the blockchain'.
You know, that type of thing....
You're welcome.
@leprechaun....applications for a 'proof of brain, renewal', are available at my desk..
I AM NOT ADVOCATING THE REMOVAL OF @LEPRECHAUN 's BRAIN - just thought I'd better qualify that...you know - don't wanna be accused of wanting to slice off @ leprechaun s head, or anything.
This has pushed forward the campaign against the midwit, better than anything I could ever dream up!
It illustrates perfectly - the 'brain cancer virus' paradigm that I talk about. Perfectly.
Old leppy seems to have received a dose - hopefully this post will serve as the medicine .
(I'm tagging @deepdives to - for this is a thin end of very insidious psychological wedge - One that I've discussed many times in the 'exhibited behavior of the midwit' - and is demonstrative of the 'wokeness culture' here - and needs to be addressed).
I nearly choked on my popcorn!
Apologize to #minismallholding ???
You know that aussie bimbo keeps calling me a sheep shagger?
Good for her! ..This is some excellent news, information that I wasn't aware of!
...ahem...just thought I'd better clear that up....
I AM...
Your image isn't opening...thank fuck...lolol
Fucking images are buggered again today...
There I was wondering why I even associate with you two if it leads to this, then you remind me why. I'm still wiping the tears away!
Don't cry he didn't mean it...
It is a very English thing to say as we call the Welsh sheep shaggers too :-)
But they really are...
I have the usual hive downvote tossers on my back. It bores me. Edicted can suck my big dick
This is turning into the best bits of Facebook. I'll need to get the !popcorn.
You're having way too much fun with this, Luce. You're such a troll! I think you'll enjoy this: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=308779533937284&id=100044157199936
I know you don't like Facebook, but it has its moments and potential uses.
My 'trolling' = making people think. ...Guilty m'Lud...
I never click on anything to do with fuck book.
Darn you for making me take the long route!
I need to apply for some jobs, methinks...brilliant...
It's like taking candy of a baby!
...now off you toddle to your hedge..
Customer service is in your future.
Thank you, heading back to my hedge. 😊
You best advocate for the opposite being true also, some people start asking questions if you're hanging around schools handing out candy.
what in the absolute fuck did I just read.
@lucylin man, u gotta take a chill pill my dude.
I'm more frosty than Mr. Frosty, the winner of the 'the most chilled out, chilled person, of 2021', awards...
Well, it seems you started to put some actual meat on the table, I never really looked at regenerette content, but I sure got some prejudice now. <--- Exactly what you wanted to achieve, right? :P
Let me make the first step and apologize to @leprechaun for calling him a boomer. When anybody complains about being called a boomer, it is really hard for a Millenial to not answer "OK, Boomer". Still I should have resisted the urge, since we are all serious people here and stuff.
I have 99.9% faith in your cognitive abilities, matey.
lolol - I've been called a boomer !lol - Hurt I was....needed to retire to my safe space for days!
ok boomer
btw, do you have @dustsweeper active? My voting power is getting low.
Fuck you, matey ! ..
What is dustsweeper for exactly ? (seriously)
It is for plebs like me who want to vote your comments, but have less than 0.02 cent in voting power. You know the rule that payouts under 0.02 cent become dust, right?
dustsweeper will look at your comments after 5 days and if there are votes but less than 0.02 cent payout, dustsweeper will upvote the comment for 2 cents. You should get the same amount in upvote rewards that you put into dustsweeper initially.
zombie votes flying around. But it would help me to upvote your comments since I could also be nuanced and sometimes only upvote for 30% or 50%.It might not be the best time to activate @dustsweeper with all the
Get some hp you cheapskate
btw is it OK if people know your other identity? I almost told dwinblood because he brought up your other content in a convo.
@frot is doing sex ed today lol. You could not make this up if you tried.
I taught him everything he knows...
Hence why he is a "cunning linguist" I guess :-)
or a master debater, more like...
LOL oh yes, and in a frock.
I'm watching you punks...
Hmmm. Let's see what POB's local mad professor is up to today... OH MY GOD!!
Call the cops!
lolol - I know, right?
peak insanity, is in da house....
...and less of 'the professor', if you don't mind!
Just messing with you. What you gonna do about it? Rip my face off?
Of course I'm not taking sides in stupid drama but I read that and interpreted it as dark humor. The song should help others understand how things like this can be funny.
For anyone reading this reply:
PLEASE NOTE : I am not advocating for the ripping off, of anyone's face...
...unfortunately, it's far more insidious than a stupid drama.(from a sociological/anthropological /psychological, persepctive...
Well. Whatever. To me this looks like a big waste of time. But you did use the 'funny' tag so I'd be a moron if I was taking it all seriously. So I'll just watch.
Well....it is funny, to be sure.
The community (POB) is in need of seeing what's actually going on here, especially if they are the type who craves the whale votes they get (almost every single one of them most likely does). People can suckle on the whale teets if that's how they want to be seen by anyone with half a brain in their head, but no thank you, I'll pass.
Leprechaun popped me a follow yesterday through the day, so I'm assuming he sees value in what I share. We'll see how long that lasts.
lolol @leprechaun has put me on 'mute'...
The psychological pain of being called out - shown up - and then made to face his faux reality, must have gotten all too much for him...the snowflake.
...and he never apologized to minismallholding, either.... What a man.
Not only this also the "community engagement" is the closest thing to spam comments I've seen on STEEM / HIVE for a while now. When you answer each comment with empty sentences that say nothing, it is not "engagement"... it is spam.
Of course, there is no longer that "engagement" with me anymore :P
Exactly, haven't even begun to uncover that garbage yet since there have been much more pressing things that needed light. I'd like to think that most people can see straight through that bullshit but I think I am expecting far too much.
"Thanks for the response, @juanmiguelsalas!!"
Hence me offering my services as 'midwit czar'....
You know...I come around once a week for a couple weeks and I see your account get voted up to over $50 a post, then back down to a couple $$'s a post...delegation forced upon you, poor guy...then taken back from you. You caus'n drama again? lol
I'm not doin' nuffin' !!!!! - They's keep attacking me, sir !
At least you were able to pull in a couple bucks while it lasted lol
Confucius say:
"....the man who equates everything down to to money is...."....ah, fuck it - I'm in a good mood...no roasting for you, sir! lol
Funny how one little set of lines can lead to so much POB and HIVE being earned and won and distributed. People that can read and comprehend, and then those that can read but can not comprehend what was said, making post after post and whine after whine, and then the pulling in of others and making the circle grow bigger and bigger, adding chair after chair, then having the chairs all pulled out from under them as the music stops and the king of nothing sits on his throne laughing his ass off.
Just look at how much consternation on both sides of control the narrative you and minismallholdings caused. People are so scared of other people that they can not even ask an upfront question like: What did you mean when you said "slicing people up'"?
He said, she said, and making it he meant, she meant, and we meant to confuse the conversation because...well we like to do that. The reins of the narrative horse have been passed, and that poor old pony wants to run home to safe old coral of FB, where there is only one narrative spoken.
I think i'll do an animation of the dynamic of the midwit - and show how the social skills and 'takeover' of any given institutions, works....
Questioning what someone says, is good - Assuming how it's said - so to craft a 'poor me ' narrative, is just stupidity..
Everyone by now knows about cherry-picking bits and pieces of conversations, and yet they still can not see when it happens because they are just to lazy to ask or go look.
Yet some still for for it....laziness indeed, matey!
Well, I have to say that I must tell you something here right away. ¿?¿ Uhm, but seems like I already forgot what it was.
A good kick in the but could be a good thing every now and then.
A good kick in the butt is a healthy endeavor sir!
The midiwt see's it as oppression, hating, or...(insert whatever other inanity you wish, here)
The midwit doesn't work on reason and logic. They have 'feels' you know - and that trumps reality, every time!
(these 'please note' one liners are working out great!lol)
All your nutters now down vote me lol. One more comment for them to downvote. You will get bored before me nutters. They never think do they of the consequence. Morons. Down votes only last so long. DERRRR brains.
those d/v have nothing to do with POB, - they are connected to someone else...
(as far as I'm aware..)
MeWe tomorrow 8 am my time? - on for 12 hours
I don't get it.
It really is beyond hilarious - hence the very jovial roasting !
dim wits or acceptable. Nothing wrong with that.
The higher than average intelligence of the midwit when mixed with intellectual insecurity, is the problem. It's cancerous . It destroys the host. (society).
*Midwit = higher than av IQ + intellectually insecure + v. high social skills = any ecosystem disaster and collapse.
*based on my observations of social, economic, and political movements over the last 2 millennia.
Accentuated in the last 5 decades due to the degradation of higher learning institutions...ie - They let in any idiots, nowadays (who then go on to take up positions of influence not commensurate with their competence)......