logiczombie cross-posted this post in FreeSpeech 3 years ago

For The Greater Good.

in #introducemyself3 years ago

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This is a newly opened account.

An account that the Hive cabal will now use to further Hive's rightful place in block chain history.

The amazing Hive block chain.

We'll be using this account to highlight some our fantastic content creators each week, those who serve us well, and are also well rewarded for their brilliant - and often truly insightful - posts.

PLUS... We'll also use this account to tell you which accounts to avoid at all costs !

These accounts are completely toxic to our beautiful Hive mind.
These accounts sow division through the use of free thinking and independent perspectives - and should be ignored.
This kind of destructive attitude - of speaking about things in a logical and truthful way, is nether appreciated, respected, nor rewarded, in our great community.

We'll use this account to remind you that by playing by the rules we decide upon , and doing as you're told - you to could well be the on road to riches through the Hive block chain.

You can achieve success this in several ways, but we'll focus on the main options.
Content creation, and the curation.

The main thing to always remember is that We are your masters.

You have no power on this block chain , just the illusion of it. and Your rewards are entirely at our pleasure to give out as we see fit.


If you find that fitting in with the crowd a pleasurable experience, and something to wholeheartedly embrace, and the thought of 'rocking the boat', or 'putting your head above the parapet' a truly distasteful and frightening thought, then we're sure that you'll do very well here over time and with enough effort.

There will be no 'up votes' for this account as we provide this service for free , for our very dedicated community.
*Any tips into this account will be used to further our ambitions of putting the Hive block chain where it truly deserves to be.

We're always in total control of the distribution of inflationary rewards, while at the same time giving you (our dutiful servants), the illusion of this not actually being case at all.

By working this way, we can ensure that only the very best of Hive users rise to the top.

We will be showcasing such content creators, each and every week.

Due to the fact that you'll work much harder for us if you're under the impression that you have some modicum of control, we'll always endeavor to perpetuate this illusion as much as is possible.
Illusions are nice.
We all know that, right?
You to can join in and contribute to this illusion, simply by creating content for our DPoS block chain, and offering your undying fealty to us.

Through extensive studies We know that these illusions of control that we offer you can bring you great psychological comfort, and it benefits you immeasurably, to be in this mental state..
...And, as your very benevolent masters, there's nothing that we want more, than for you to feel like that you're offering value and are committing fully to the Hive block chain ideology.

The collective is always more powerful than the individual, I'm sure you'll all agree, and by using this concept going forwards, it'll ensure that you'll happily sacrifice the self for the greater good (if needs be).

Remember one thing:

We're doing all of this for the greater good of our fantastic Hive community.

Coming up:

In our first 'authors showcase' , we'll illustrate to you some accounts to help show you just how easy it is to garner fantastic amounts of Hive tokens, via the up voting rewards mechanism.

By keeping your head down and saying the right things, you'll see how you to can effortlessly be rewarded by our loyal band of brothers...
Please take note: This is a very inclusive block chain (if you don't include those people that we don't like) , so when we say 'band of brothers', this includes all of the 32 genders, and anyone identifying as trees. Or bushes. Or any vegetation at all, in fact.
We welcome all vegetables to come over and post on Hive!
You'll be in very good company

Also, by showcasing these much valued accounts it will also give you guidance for your own blog content, going forwards.
It will highlight the benefits of 'how to do the right thing' if you want success on this most brilliant of platforms.

On each of our posts, we'll make sure to list the accounts that you should avoid at all costs, and why.

We will look at these toxic posts for you, so you don't have to!

Under no circumstances should you ever read them to see what they're saying.

They are NOT operating under the maxim of 'for the greater good'.

Many of them do not even want to be servants to US, their benevolent masters !
It ridiculous when you think about it, but some people just don't get it.
They're literally stupid and beyond any help.
So in each post , we'll point them out to you so you'll know what avoid.

Our next post:

Some know him as 'gandalf the grey'.
Some know him as 'gandalf the gnome'.
Others know him as 'man with pony tail who likes tunnels'. @gtg .

As you can see, the account name really isn't that important.
The Hive-cabal is what matters.

Here's a link to his latest post.

Our magnificent account was bestowed nearly $400 for this literary masterpiece (at the time of writing).
At less than 950 words of his own creation, it means that he most deservedly received more than $2.30 per word for his gargantuan efforts.

If this isn't proof that the Hive block chain is working perfectly, and as intended - I don't know what is !

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Some of these up votes are from the same entity, but with different account names.
As we've just pointed out, account names are mostly used for what is know as 'plate spinning excises'.

We think that this is such a great and intelligent way to continue and encourage the dream state - A state that we so love to propagate on our fantastic Hive block chain.

I'm sure you'll all agree that this is the most intelligent thing to do.

By promoting the appearance of transparency on the block chain, it will be sure to lend even more credibility to this most credible of platforms.

We like to think the Hive-cabals middle name could be 'integrity'....We like to think a lot of things.

I hope you've enjoyed our first post.
There will be many more to come.

There's so much great material to cover, but with so little time, the posts may not be as regular as could be hoped for - simply because upvoting and curating our esteemed members posts, and then transferring vast sums of tokens to different accounts, hither and thither, can be a very time consuming process.
And computer games don't play themselves.

*please note that this Hive-cabal account does not employ any paid external services to write any of the material, including India, Bangladesh, Venezuela, or even Finland .

Here's is the list of accounts to avoid at all costs.
(any upvoting, commenting, or interacting with these accounts may very well land you in 'hot water' with the esteemed hive-cabal...You have been warned, in a most benevolent way).



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@maxigan @jasonliberty @phusionphil @active-truth @theouterlight @francesleader @frot @truthforce @lucylin @yayogerardo @calumam @wil.metcalfe @antisocialist @informationwar @palikari123 @shepz1

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If you know of any other toxic accounts that should be put on the list and never be read, please let us know.
*Any downvoting on posts from these accounts , above - will result in approval from your masters.




It's about time we receive the necessary centralized guidance for our free downvote pool.


why are they downvoting their own team ???



the comment that was deleted simply said, "this happens a lot" - in response to someone asking why they'd been flagged for plagiarism for something they wrote themselves

and the "comment spam" was merely 13 comments where I was attempting to highlight THIS:



here's how he treats witnesses