freebornangel cross-posted this post in FreeSpeech 5 years ago

Listen up, hivizen!

in #rewardpoolreap5 years ago

I been on this chain since before most of you reading this.
But, not longer than @whatsup!

I've watched the greedy whales get put in a box by the other whales.
I watched stinc break them out by changing the rules to suit the greedy whales.
I watched the farmers dump the price 98%.
I also watched good people try to make something of this 'experiment'.
I saw aggrieved parties take the reins back from 'the authority' on the gamble that we could collectively do better ourselves without the dead albatross and boat anchors.


If the intentional bad actor is gone(others remain), but that isn't the only issue, then we need to think about what is next.


Its plainly obvious that giving rewards to the same 50 accounts is not a game that brings them flocking in, pushing and shoving for the opportunity to be ignored by the haves and to suffer their class biases to boot!
Who does that?

This chain may never bring them in by the tens of millions.
We can afford to discriminate, imo.

It will be up to us what we make of it.

I propose we start by taking back what we lost in hf21.
At that time the coders were going broke.
They carried us after resuscitation efforts on the albatross proved futile.
Were it not for the efforts of those few, this chain could've withered, and died.


Now they got ~90m hive!
Those precious few are rolling in it.
It's 'woo, woo, woo' in gramma's basements across the world!
And, good on 'em.
We couldn't do this without them.

However, now that they are rolling in it, they can give us our 10% back, imo.

We carried them when they needed us.
Its payback time, iyam.

I'll save the vote penalty for being poor for another day.
Just know that your vote is half what it should be because the rich people have arbitrary numbers within their powers to set.


I can't be free alone, dear reader.
It is up to you to spread the word.
Cross post mine, if you like.


...your links aren't showing, matey.

People with power never give it way, ffs.

The free market and meritocracy takes it off them .

....the ones with power, (and who are stupid)...tends to come with an easy life given to them by their successful parents.