freebornangel cross-posted this post in FreeSpeech 5 years ago

Bear with me, dear readers.

in #life5 years ago

I'm still trying to two finger posts, but the motivation is just not there.

The time it takes to switch between tabs with 1G of ram causes hella delays.
Waiting twenty seconds for tabs to load because the WiFi is weak is also killing my creative flow.

Such is life when you got first world problems.

Still waiting on my helicopter money, but, ATP, I am not really expecting it to ever show up.
I got outstanding court fees.

The neighbor got his, but he is a good little taxpayer, and I haven't paid any in a while.
C'est La Vie.

Have a meme.
I stole it from the interwebz, which I think is kinda the intent of meemz, were they to actually become a meme in the traditional definition.
