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RE: The Change In National Governance

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Very interesting thoughts.

I think one of the biggest impact is that where you’re born has started to become less of a factor in the outcomes of your life.

The crypto world is helping to raise people up out of the effects of broken and corrupt governments - even before those governments are fixed.

The other benefit of crypto/digital is the ability to redeploy ideas that are working quickly.

The process of getting a home in the Philippines for instance at some points took up to 12 years to show proper ownership of a property - in the US it takes about 2 weeks max. In crypto land, as more and more starts to be tokenized, establishing ownership takes seconds - which by itself allows for a better flow of the economy.

Those kind of failings are mostly the result of government corruption or bureaucratic bloat - but in crypto land we can start to fix some of these problems and airdrop solutions into places that need them.


The last 30 years saw so many changes due to the rise of the digital world. Of course, as you show, it was not spread evenly as some places adopted a lot faster than others. That is changing as more countries/people are getting online.

We are now at the point where the next evolution is underway. Whether we capture it in the phrase "Web 3.0" or not, the key is a new iteration of this entire realm is being constructed. That is going to push for the idea of less impact being based upon where you are geographically. We will also likely see less importance places on one's gender, race, or any other physical attribute.

This is going to change a lot more than what took place over the last 30 years, which was substantial.

We will see the shift of more stuff to the "invisible".

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