BTC Observe 42% rise during 2023 despite today's dip.

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Hello lovely people of Hive and leofinance community. Hopefully you will be enjoying your life with good health and spirit. Friends, king of coin BTC observed almost 2.5% dip in last 24 hours. Despite today's dip, BTC coin performed really well in 2023 after a bad patch in 2022.


BTC was trading around $16,500 on 31st December 2022 and this week coin has achieved more than $24,000 worth. Coin unable to sustain its worth and currently it is trading around $23,450. Since, 31st December coin has observed 42% rise. Good growth considering the performance of BTC in 2022.

There is no need to panic, if BTC price fell below $24,000. Coin has achieved lot during current year. Coin has huge potential to rise again. BTC has a history of performing well after a bad patch in the past. Just check out the performance of BTC of previous years.


BTC starting worth was around $0.003. However coin able to achieve above $68,000 worth in November 2021. If we closely monitor the table we will observe there is no two successive year since 2010 in which the coin didn't perform well. On the other hand there are series of consecutive year when the coin performed really well.

There is no need to panic. Holding is the key. If crypto has bright future than BTC has the brightest future. Some people believe, year 2023 rise is a bull trap but there is no need to listen any rumours. Holding is the key. BTC will rise again. What is your opinion my friends?

This is it for my today post. Wish you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous life ahead. Have a nice time.


At times like this hodling of Crypto assets comes handy and pricy.However, it is of uttermost importance to always do one's personal financial research before making any Crypto transaction whatsoever.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well said. It is imporant to do your self personal research before reaching any final conclusion. It will not only increase your learning but it will also help to save you from loss.

Yeah right ! A stitch in time saves nine!!

Every time BTC shines it gives us renewed hope for the alt coins.
This way the focus and the money shifts in to the alt coins which is much needed to support the alt coin economy.