You know you aren't entirely wrong because even with long and bulky contents. I have seen and read different posts that are very much alike and similar in some paragraphs and I am like, didn't I just read the same phrase or paragraph in someone's post?
And it's usually an initiative or contest.
So I understand people reading other people's entries and stealing some phrases and paragraphs without even changing to their own words and it's mostly those who aren't native in English like you said.
But whatever be the case, I am sure it wouldn't be much of a problemI see your point @hitmeasap
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As soon as money is involved, people will always find ways to abuse, cheat, steal and lie. It's unfortunate, but it's just how some people works. I don't think it will be a big deal regardless though, but I am sure there will be people trying to "get rich quick" by using others content. Especially when it's twitter-like content as it's difficult to check.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes, you are very right about that.
But let's just see how it goes
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta