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RE: Incentives for Burning Hive | (PHP) Permanent Hive Power?!

in LeoFinance5 years ago

Quite frankly, I think that the ability to sell accounts is a good thing.

While individuals would prefer to power down and sell their accounts. Businesses are prone to think of their social media accounts as assets that they buy and sell as assets.

So, lets think about the entrepreneur Bob who likes to provide examples. He owns the company Example Inc which provides examples on domains like,, etc. Bob decides to hawk examples on Hive with the account @example .

When Bob decides to retire, he is likely to sell Example with all of its assets including and the Hive account @example.

Okay, so maybe is not a good example.

The basic point is that businesses tend to develop their social media accounts as assets. Business leaders buy and sell assets on a regular basis. This is what businesses do.

It seems to me that the HIVE community should encourage businesses to think of their account as an asset that they could buy and sell.

Quite frankly, I think that businesses would be more likely to buy HIVE and start using it as a currency than individuals.