He has a large audience and is very influential. I myself cannot watch his videos. I really just don't like his presentation style and I actually feel stressed when watching him. I can and do watch all of your videos as I prefer a calm cool collected presentation style. Never the less, this is really fantastic news. I am going to read his plug for HIVE. I think it's great that this promotion will get new eyes on HIVE as well as new sign ups but I fear it can still be a bit to overwhelming. Is their any programs for new sign ups to request a "Big Brother or Sister" to help get new users over the initial hurdles and challenges of figuring out how everything works here? We need an easier interface as well as real people helping these new users and coach them to become active users that stay. I'm very stubborn and figured out a lot of this stuff out myself but I think many will give up and leave after getting stuck.
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