Hi there. Maybe in the past week you wonder what was happening in inleo and why the tag #santiagodecuba was trending. Many of you maybe ask what is Santiago de Cuba. Well, I will explain all.
First the basic. Santiago de Cuba is the second biggest province in population of Cuba. At the same time the province had a municipality called Santiago de Cuba (the more populate of the country) and inside this exist an homonym city, the second in importance of the Island. That is the city where I live.
I have the mision for the last 2 years to expread Hive here. That has been a slow but steady path that today show his fruits. With more than 50 people inserted in Hive and between 10 and 20 monthly active users the community had strong fundations. That is mainly because every member is an "ambassador" of Hive and onboard new users frequently.
Now, as organizer of the community I devised a dynamic to incentivize users to test the differents DApps and keep their interaction high. This week was the turn of inleo.
The Challenge of the week (from 13th to 19th) was the following:
- Create threads on inleo.io using #santiagodecuba The idea is to gain interactions (votes and comments).
Votes are worth 0.2 points and comments are worth 1. The users most points accumulate win.
I give 2 HSBI Prize for the 1st place, 1 HSBI to the 2nd and 150 Ecency Points to the 3rd.
This bring as consecuence that the tag #santiagodecuba become trending up to the first places. Something that I never expected but was a nice surprise.
Now the challenge end this was the leaderboard:
@roswelborges 57.8
@maiasun84 36.2
@maylink 27.8
@alto96 20.2
@samantha06 15
@daddyvaldes 14
@iriswrite 8.4
@claudiocruz 7.2
@rivereyesmusic 4
@abelarte 1.6
@clary88 0.6
@limaescritora 0.4
Now, what do you think about this kind of dynamic???
Posted Using INLEO
Que placer para nosotros tenerte. Encontrarme contigo, con ustedes todos ha sido uno de los regalos del 2024.
It has been really exiting, I've learned and enjoyed a lot. Thankyou for that initiative.
thank to all of you, more Initiatives will come
Hi there! Thank you for sharing such an insightful and detailed post about the vibrant community in Santiago de Cuba and your efforts to spread Hive. It's truly inspiring to see how you've built such a strong foundation with over 50 members and 10-20 active users monthly. Your initiative to create engaging challenges like the one on inleo.io is brilliant, and it's amazing to see how the #santiagodecuba tag trended as a result.
The leaderboard results are impressive, and it’s clear that the community is thriving thanks to your leadership and creativity. This kind of dynamic not only encourages participation but also fosters a sense of camaraderie and healthy competition. Keep up the fantastic work, and I’m sure the Santiago de Cuba community will continue to grow and make an even bigger impact on Hive! 👏🌟
Posted Using INLEO
Thanks for your kinds words. That is the Goal, keep growing and generate more impact for Hive.
yw,i m try use react-vite Dhive do a hive blog.