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RE: My Introduction to Leo Finance - How Cryptocurrencies Changed My Life [ESP-EN]

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Your Content is perfect. Just keep being your authentic self. You'll be fine. But it seems to make it into this blog one has to invest some cashflow to really make a difference. i know how that can be in Venezuela be it how the country is at the moment. I hope that one day humanity in turn, can find that the answer lies in the same example the trees sorrounding it have been telling everyone how the "system" can work. has worked for millenea. and it has nothing to do with money.

What makes the world function? Our labor
What happens when it stops?
The system stops
What system am I talking about here? Our labor system.
What is the labor system? It is our continuing will to do work and distribute our work for the world.
So then, imagine then. We don't stop doing that. Only difference. "we don't pay at the pump anymore"- @antisocialist

Certainly the trees don't need to pay a dime to give you what you need. In return we give the trees what they need by our continuing effort to keep breathing. It's a relationship that is in balance. The great reset is realizing this. But be prepared for a bumpy ride on this rollar coaster. Don't stop studying the stars. especially ours.


Thank you very much for those words of support, that is something I am working on and I hope it goes well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Instead of working for the banksters we do the work for each other freely, because we are human, and not banksters, nor their ilk.