Everything (trick) you need to know about promoting a post on leofinance (newbie HACK 2)

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Hello everyone
It feels good to write to you guys again. One of the issues I had as a newbie(tho I'm still a newbie, but I'm a step ahead tho) was understanding the principle of promoting a post on leofinance.

I asked several times on the discord channel, the only reasonable reply I got was, I could promote with any amount of Leo. With Joy in my heart I told myself, I could just use the little Leo I've earned to promote my post, so our top stakers could like it.

But I was wrong, promoting isn't just about promoting with any Leo amount, if you're promoting your post, you'll need it to top the chart. Atleast if it can't make it to number 1 on the promoting table, it shouldn't miss number 2 or 3, that's the only way your post gets seen on the trending page.

I used 2 Leo to make my first promotion, unfortunately it wasn't showing on the trending page, I felt okay, after a usewhile my turn to be on the trending page would come by, but no, my turn never came. Leofinance uses a principle of the highest bidder, tops the chart.

Which is kind of not favourable to newbies, because the BIG BOYS would just keep using as much Leo as they've got to dominate the top 3 to 5 positions on the trending page.


You'll need to know who's top on the promoting table, so if you take a step to the trending page, as at right now, you'll realise that the post by @onealfa (voting power 'hack') is top on the trending page

While the second post goes to @whatageek (the daily contest - coins you are following!)

Then the 3rd goes to @tradewatchblog

On the first day that @onealfa made his promotion, I was able to find out how many Leos he used, but at the moment, I can get my hands on it again, because between 5 days ago and now, He has made lots of transactions with His Hive account

The for @whatageek, He wasn't the one who promoted His post, because it's not reflecting on His transaction history.

So as I said earlier, you'll have to know who's top on the chart.


You'll have to take note of the title of the post, because that's what you'll be working on.


You'll go to the profile of who ever is top, go to their loe balance, just below it, you'll find their transaction history, all the Leos that has gone in and out of their account.

As I said, @onealfa has done so many transactions, @whatageek wasn't the one who promoted His post.

So we'll be working with the 3rd person on the chart, which is @tradewatchblog. I was able to find how much Leo he spent on promoting His post, which is 7.777 Leo, as seen in the picture below
So to push @tradewatchblog off the 3rd position, you'll need to do a little top up to what He used to promote His. That could be about 8 Leos or more

In conclusion, I'll suggest to @leofinance that the promotion requirements should change, since it'll only favour the BIG BOYS on the platform, a newbie who's struggling with earning won't be able to promote a post with ease.

If we can work with a time base system where you spend Leo according to how long you want your post to be shown on the trending page, or it could be based on number of views you need. The present criteria for boosting is definitely not favourable.

I can't even boost my post, because I'm not sure if I'll get back the Leo I'll spend in boosting it.

Anyways, I hope this post was useful to you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Interesting strategy and discovery, and it works in a sense cuz it brought me here haha but I'd like to just add that the material of the article along with the coverage is key in my experience. If we use some of my first post for example:


Neither was promoted or trending, But you can see the vast difference from these articles. One with 437 upvotes, favored by the people but not so much the "Big Boys" whereas the other article has 18 upvotes but more than double the amount of LEO than the first. But lets take a look at an article of mine that was promoted:


I lucked out and my timing was perfect, I had gotten promoted by @leofinance themselves for using their new onboarding system and my testimony of switching over from Publish0x. The rewards are substantially greater for being promoted, but granted again promoted by THEE leo himself and it was my first introduction article. It almost isn't fair to compare to the previous, but this helped me to understand after a few articles later how material and coverage play their part. But this is also proof for myself that trending articles do receive more love in a sense.

Being new to the platform, I realized quickly how important it is to stake Leo, allowing you to have a stronger voice. A stronger voice lets you post articles and curate messages more often and these give you opportunities to earn more Leo. Maybe that's why I'm not so in favor of promoting myself, my Leo is limited being new to the platform.

With this in mind I am trying to apply some pointers made by @khazrakh in his article "The Power Of Networking In A Decentralized World" In this way networking efficiently can score you a free promotion by some of our ROARING stakeholders.

Just my 2 Satoshi's on the subject lol anyhow nice material and coverage ;) like I mentioned it works, and I hope you yield profits this year. Thanks for the read \m/

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sorry, I got the wrong address)

FYI I think there is some kind of time decay involved too, my 7.77 got me to top place for about 24-48 hours, but after that it was no longer enough and I dropped back.

I think after this time you could have got to top place with less than my bid, how much is the question. The mechanics are a little opaque - I well may have been over bidding.

Thanks for the comment, but the whole point is, anyone promoting, would need to spend about 8Leos or more to be on the spotlight

I just applied all the principles on this post, and my post is currently top on the promotion chart

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But this promotion was not even profitable relative to the LEO spent to promote the post. Am I missing something?

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I just promoted it few minutes ago, the whole concept is to stay on top of the promotion chart, and at the moment, I'm on top. I just hope it yields profits

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Apologies I was meaning @tradewatchblog recent promotion spent that you blogged about. I sure hope you come out ahead with a profit though.

I too hope I acquire it back, thanks alot. But the goal is to educate and enlighten everyone on how to promote a post, and I just had to apply it to show it's real and working

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My payout on that post should be about 23 LEO vs the 7 LEO spent, the post was already at 5 LEO before I promoted it, so the gain from promoting is 11 LEO at a glance but the post was curated by the Leo curators afterwards as well so that muddies things up a bit.

As such, it's not clear to me that promoting returns a financial gain, but it definitely does get more eyes on your post.

Interesting. I would assume the Leo curators would have upvoted the post even without promotion? Well at the very least it is certain you know you have more viewership. Thanks for the update.

My point is I'm not sure that is right - it's not exactly clear how the mechanism works - bid relative to other bidders is a factor, age of the post seems to be a factor too. I think you could have got to top position with a smaller bid.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the explanation. I think we could use some sort of lottery system based on the amount of LEO you've spent. This way all the small users can have a chance at being seen.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hi, I'm a newbie to this site and I don't know how to earn $LEO. All I know on this site is to publish an article. I hope someone can help me how to earn fast and what wallet to used to withdraw my earnings? Thank you for this strategy you publish because it helpful especially for a newbie like me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I like what you say. The new users will find it difficult to promote their post because they do not have or hold such amounts of leo to promote it and even then it may be overpowered by the next promoter who uses more leo, right?
Content that is trending has to be of quality too otherwise it will all be just who has the big bucks.
Curators should give a chance to good posts without promotion. Then it will be worth the time to write good quality posts. Also, they can have a leo paper like the one we have for Neoxian. The city paper curators pick good quality posts and it is featured in the weekly paper.

Thanks for writing about it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Interesting article for sure. I need to remember to bring up Post promotion on one of the LEO Roundtable calls as it is worth discussion. Personally, I'm not a fan of having it as a feature at all cus any post could be at top if they have the LEO to spend, it doesn't have to be a good post, which I think is a net negative for the platfrom.

On the positive side, without it I may have never of seen your post.

I can say this. I started on steem in 2016 (and then onto hive and then leo). My first year on steem I posted everyday and earned pennies. It took me more than a year before my posts and the saving on my earnings became anything substantial. So I definitely know the struggles of a newbie. Maybe if I used the promotion feature back then (steem had it) things would have worked out better for me, who knows.

Either way, quality content and determination go a long way.

Good article, good information and good discussion about this topic. Post promotion is something that can be improved somehow for sure.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes this post was really useful to me as a newbie too
Now I understand that if I want to promote my post and be on the highest bidding point, I need to first look at my competitor's record and see how many leo he used to boost his own post
from there I can increase my odds, and be seen as much he is seen as well.
Thank you very much for this insight.
I have a little advice though, you shouldn't boost the post in order to earn your leo coin back, I think you should do it in order to gain more publicity and followers
in the longest run, you may be able to get your leo coins back
I hope this helps

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Thank you for the explanation.
I heard leofinance is working on promotion page where we would be able to see how much LEO have been spent to get promoted, kind of a ranking.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That would be really appreciated if it's being put in place

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Buying yourself a way to the top of the promoted charts sounds logical, but become trending by paying Leo sounds rather weird to me. Or do I miss something here?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Just a way of publicising your post I guess

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I see, but to me trending is more organical. Number of unique visitors, time spend reading etc.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the clarification.

I am newbiew here and I tought the promotion was related with time and not be related with the aumont of LEO.

8 LEO it is a little t much to try to have some visibility for me

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah true, the cost of promoting is definitely not favourable to newbies, you barely make up to that amount from a post

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

hello I started today in leo finance, I write in uptrennd and torun ,,, this will help me to start creating content, but first I will read the rules of this site,.,.,.
Good afternoon..

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have promoted a post or 2 just because I liked what the author wrote, I don't promote my posts anymore since Steemit though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for this informative and useful post

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey @xyprone, here is a little bit of BEER from @libertycrypto27 for you. Enjoy it!

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Hey @xyprone, here is a little bit of BEER from @libertycrypto27 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Definitely helpful.
Thank you!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I dont understand how it works LEO

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

When I told my cousin (who barely uses internet) about HIVE, one of his advices to me was to research the patterns of the highest earning people and do what they do.

I don't do that because I have my own priorities, but if you want to make the most of something, learn from the top people in that field.

Your idea of seeing how the TOP 5 paid to promote their posts might be simple, but for someone who didn't think of it yet it's very valuable!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've never had any luck promoting anything, no matter how much I spent. Even when doing giveaways, promotion wasn't any help.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think that all of us, here, are engaged in self-promotion) It is quite logical that the first positions are with big wallets. I never paid to promote a post, but, you guys, I am grateful for every cent and vote. Thanks a lot for this article. I think that many bloggers misunderstand the popularity of certain posts. As the saying goes, whoever does not take risks does not drink champagne, but since I do not drink alcoholic drinks, there is no reason to take risks, lol.

excellent article, especially for new members of leo finance, we hope to continue moving forward. thanks

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey @xyprone, here is a little bit of BEER from @pouchon for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

If we can work with a time base system where you spend Leo according to how long you want your post to be shown on the trending page, or it could be based on number of views you need. The present criteria for boosting is definitely not favourable.

I am with you regarding the number of views suggestion.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Quite saddening and appalling it is not about the value of the content (which is mostly subjective)..I guess life's all about the numbers..
Might this spell out the catchword 'decentralized" ? Which for many (I for one ) is a top reason they fancied the Blockchain..
Sharks or Whales would always munch on fingerlings (newbies) ,yet I'm very much gladdened by the warm reception I've been adorned with since my "induction".. I'd like to believe these whales or sharks are as friendly as dolphins..☺️

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@tim-ini I think this post will be helpful

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for writing this article, I could have spent my entire Leo for nothing if I didn't read it haha

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This information will be very useful to me because my articles for financial support are very bad and I need to improve

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta