Psychology of Bitcoin, Sort of

in LeoFinance2 years ago

If the financial system is a person, then it splits into three categories:

Id: crypto criminals like Do Kwon, SBF, and so on…

Ego: Bitcoin, Ethereum, and many other cryptos

Superego: banking system, institutional investors and so on...

Superego suppresses Id to a certain degree to produce Ego.

You can see Superego is a "good" guy and Id is a "bad" guy.

So depends on how the good guy interacts with the bad guy, you have a spectrum of crypto.

Even though some crypto does not have their boss, it does not mean they are purely good.

Bitcoin for instance, the creator has never revealed his or her or their identities, do not mean Bitcoin is the ultimate solution.

In contrast, Ethereum's co-founder is not always right, even though his reputation in public seems okay.

The point I am making here is that there is no way to purely judge crypto on what is right or wrong since crypto is relatively dancing between the boundary depending on what you want to measure and its reference.

Rather, you want to check and verify those good guys and bad guys about their intention of using crypto to do something that works for the society as a whole or just to benefit themselves to become an over-night success guy...


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