Dark Energy Crystals (DEC) average price: $0.00336 USD.
The current price of the Hungarian Forint (HUF): $0.0032 USD.
Yes. I am not joking. This is the sad truth. The average price of a game currency is higher than the current price of the fiat currency (!) of my country (Hungary).
And the government propaganda says "Hungary is moving forward". I see. To its complete failure. Nowadays our money is close to worthless.
And we are in the middle of Europe. Not in Africa, nor in Asia.
I wonder when the people will wake up, and start doing something against the tyrant, dictatorship-like government of my country (Hungary).
Hopefully not when it is too late. But if a game currency worth more than our fiat currency (even if just/only a little), then maybe it is already too late.
Check the average price of the Dark Energy Crystals (DEC) on PeakMonsters, and Google "huf to usd".
Ouch, that is a painful one. They have an uncanny similarity in price. Keep earning that DEC!
Nowadays I am leasing out a part of my Splinterlands card collection, and this currently gives approximately 11 DEC per day, which is approximately 330 DEC in a month (30 days). Theoretically, if I choose the right store, then this would be enough to buy 1 kg bread, or a chocolade tablet. I keep putting up more cards to the PeakMonsters rental market. Playing Splinterlands is not worth it for me nowadays.
So the positive side is that if you can earn good DEC on battles, then you can make a living doing Splinterlands.
On the other side, sure the USD exchange is important, but what can you buy with the money. That is important.
Unfortunately not really. Two days ago (on 2022.02.06), after a 10 losing streak, I fell back to Bronze III, where it is not even possible to earn DEC with the battles, and I started to lease out my cards, so nowadays I am not playing Splinterlands.
Less and less. The buying power of HUF (and other currencies) are nowadays decreasing. The price of the things are in the sky. And if I consider the fact that nowadays I live under the local minimum wage, then it is even worse.
Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.
On it’s peak DEC worth more than 4x of it current price. Japanese Yen worth 2,5-3* of HUF in the past years.
We can see There were time when DEC worth more then JPY.
Should we say becouse of it Japan performs poorly? I wouldn’t say! These kind of comparison should not to be made at all imho, since it’s irrelevant.
Although i agree we have a lot problems here in Hungary, but the society is responsible for their leadership… I guess around your neighborhood more ppl support the current regime than the alternatives. Talk with ppl, ask their opinion and you will be surprised why is it. Most ppl opinion driven by irrelevant things…
Not at all. We are a member of the EU since 2004. HUF is very weak (seems like a literal joke) against both EUR and USD. We should have switched to EUR long time ago, instead of keep using this worthless HUF.
And not just/only the price is the HUF is low. The salaries too. While the product prices are in the sky. And the VAT. We have the highest VAT (27%) in the whole European Union (EU).
I (and many people) live under the local minimum wage.
Most people do not support the current regime, but many people say that there is no alternative. There are no possible better leaders. No one would be better. All I see is pessimism and giving up. People do not care about the political leadership anymore, and the politicians can do literally everything.
The literally steal from the people, and they are unable to do anything against it, because no matter who is in charge, the stealing and all the bad things will continue to happen.
This is what they say.
VAT might be one of the highest, but salary tax within the lowest…
Yes, but our salaries and pensions are also one of the lowests.
Actually the government have not changed the amount of the minimum pension in the previous 15 years. It is 28 500 HUF (currently $92.20 USD) per month. The minimum wage is approximately $550 USD per month.
My pension-like income for my multiple disabilities is approximately $250 USD per month. Nowadays I also work in a four hours per day packaging part time job, and my total income is approximately still only $470 USD per month, so I live under the local minimum wage. And many people live under much worse financial conditions. This is a huge shame on the current Hungarian government.