

What Brazilian films do you like? Or do you just watch American films?

Name an actor you cannot stand.

For me, it is Will Ferrell.

I don't know... I don't have any name I can hate... I don't think I ever stopped to analyze it hahaha...

The Meme Wars: Just create a meme with the image below.

You only have 48 hours to think of something and post it here. 🔥


The Meme Wars: The next phase of the war will be announced next Wednesday.

Let's go, lions! The war is coming!


Show all your creativity in this war.


Let's make some noise, lions! 🗣️


Bring us some good laughs with this war, lions!


In this war, fight you must.


Did you watch any movies this weekend? 🤔


If you could forget one movie and watch it again for the first time, what would it be? 🤔


It's amazing (negatively speaking) how overrated some movies still are.


Let's talk that talk: Movies! 🎦


Some movie quotes can be very inspiring.


Some of the best forms of knowledge.

There is also a lot of great motivational stuff from films.

Worldwide cinema has an absurd strength!


It's time to put this threadcast on top! 🚀


It is hard to find action stars these days at the level of Sly, Arnold, or Cruise.

Even Vin was good back in the day.

Sad to see the action star going the way of the dodo bird.

Here is one of the best motivational speeches from a film there is.

Motivation: Rocky Balboa's Best Speeches and Inspiring Scenes | Compilation

I love movies, but I really like series.