National Candy Cane Day, December 26. 👈 Begin here
Candy Canes as Gifts
Gift giving will never be sweeter than when it involves giving someone a box full of colorful candy canes! The best part about giving away boxes full of these tasty treats is that they come in so many flavors – not just peppermint but also strawberry and apple cinnamon too – so there is something for everyone. Plus, they’re relatively inexpensive so they won’t break the bank either.
It’s time to get creative this National Candy Cane Day! Whether you’re using them as decorations around your house or adding them into baked goods or gifts for friends and family, there are tons of ways to enjoy this holiday. So grab some supplies and get ready for an extra sweet day full of deliciousness!
#foodtalk #food #nationalfooddays #nationalcandycaneday #candycane #candy